Section 5.21.350. Closed waters.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  Salmon may not be taken in any of the waters listed in this section.  
    	(b)  Central District  
    		(1) within one statute mile of the terminus of the following salmon streams:  
    			(A) Deep Creek;  
    			(B) Stariski Creek;  
    			(C) Anchor River;  
    		(2) Crescent River: east of a line from an ADF&G regulatory marker located approximately one mile west of the terminus of the Crescent River to the northernmost tip of Chisik Island, south of the latitude of an ADF&G marker located approximately one mile north of the terminus of the Crescent River, and within a three-mile radius from the terminus of the Crescent River at mean high tide;  
    		(3) Kenai River: waters enclosed by a line from the southern ADF&G regulatory marker at the mouth of the Kenai River at 60_ 30.49' N. lat., 151_ 16.80' W. long. to the Coast Guard channel marker 1 KE located at 60_ 31.30' N. lat., 151_ 20.50' W. long. to the northern ADF&G regulatory marker at the mouth of the Kenai River at 60_ 34.24' N. lat., 151_ 18.99' W. long.; and, in the area between a line bearing 235_ from the northern ADF&G regulatory marker and the Kenai River mouth, those waters within one mile of the mean high tide mark and, in the area between the southern ADF&G regulatory marker and the Kenai River mouth, those waters within one and one-half miles of the mean high tide mark;  
    		(4) Kasilof River: from the southern ADF&G regulatory marker located at 60_ 22.56' N. lat., 151_ 20.98' W. long. to the latitude of the northern ADF&G regulatory marker located at 60_ 24.23' N. lat., 151_ 17.66' W. long. and within one statute mile of the river terminus;  
    		(5) Ninilchik River,  
    			(A) within one statute mile of the river terminus;  
    			(B) between the latitude of an ADF&G regulatory marker located approximately one statute mile north of the Ninilchik boat harbor entrance at 60_ 04.02' N. lat., 151_ 38.90' W. long. and the latitude of Anchor Point Light at 59_ 46.15' N. lat. and extending offshore for a distance of one statute mile from mean lower low water;  
    		(6) on the west side of the Central District from the northern boundary of the district south to Harriet Point (60_ 23.75' N. lat., 152_ 14.00' W. long.),   
    			(A) within one statute mile of the terminus, at mean high tide, of the Kustatan River and the Drift River;   
    			(B) within one statute mile of the terminus, at mean lower low water, of Cannery Creek;  
    			(C) within one statute mile of the Big River;   
    			(D) within 500 yards of the terminus, at mean high tide, of any anadromous fish stream;  
    			(E) within 900 feet of the streambed or channel of any anadromous fish stream throughout the intertidal portion of that stream out to the lower low water mark;  
    		(7) Packers Creek: waters enclosed by a line from the south ADF&G regulatory marker located at 60_ 26.11' N. lat., 151_ 55.66' W. long., to 60_ 25.33' N. lat., 151_ 55.00' W. long., to 60_ 25.31' N. lat., 151_ 52.68' W. long., to 60_ 26.42' N. lat., 151_ 51.71' W. long., to the north ADF&G regulatory marker located at 60_ 26.42' N. lat., 151_ 53.32' W. long.  
    	(c)  Northern District  
    		(1) within one statute mile of the terminus of the following salmon streams:  
    			(A) Swanson Creek;  
    			(B) Bishop Creek;  
    			(C) Three-mile Creek;  
    			(D) Chuit River;  
    			(E) Nikolai Creek;  
    			(F) McArthur River;  
    		(2) Turnagain Arm and Knik Arm: east of a line from 61_ 02.35' N. lat., 150_ 23.64' W. long., to the site of the old West Point light on Fire Island, along the eastern shore of Fire Island to North Point, to 61_ 14.64' N. lat., 149_ 59.55' W. long.  
    	(d)  Southern District  
    		(1) northeast of a line from 59_ 44.43' N. lat., 151_ 02.80' W. long. to a point on the shore one-half statute mile southwest of the terminus of Swift Creek at 59_ 47.15' N. lat., 151_ 05.45' W. long.;  
    		(2) waters of China Poot Bay south and east of a line beneath the Homer Electric Association power line from a point on the north shore of the north arm of China Poot Bay at 59_ 33.92' N .lat., 151_ 15.42' W. long., to a point on the peninsula between the north and south arm of China Poot Bay at 59_ 33.47' N. lat., 151_ 15.71' W. long., to a point on the south shore of the south arm of China Poot Bay at 59_ 33.21' N. lat., 151_ 16.46' W. long.;  
    		(3) waters of Sadie Cove south of 59_ 30.00' N. lat.;  
    		(4) repealed 3/22/2014;  
    		(5) waters of Jakolof Bay south of 59_ 28.07' N. lat.;  
    		(6) waters of Seldovia Bay south of a line from 59_ 25.09' N. lat., 151_ 42.57' W. long. to 59_ 24.84' N. lat., 151_ 43.06' W. long.;  
    		(7) waters of Port Graham Bay south of 59_ 20.44' N. lat.;  
    		(8) Northshore Subdistrict.  
    	(e)  Kamishak Bay District  
    		(1) waters of Cottonwood Bay west of a line from 59_ 38.39' N. lat., 153_ 39.41' W. long. to 59_ 37.68' N. lat., 153_ 39.51' W. long.;  
    		(2) waters of Chenik Lagoon south and west of 59_ 13.42' N. lat., 154_ 07.32' W. long.;  
    		(3) waters of Iniskin Bay north of a line from 59_ 46.05' N. lat., 153_ 27.82' W. long. to 59_ 46.69' N. lat., 153_ 26.01' W. long.;  
    		(4) waters of Right Arm in Iniskin Bay east of a line from 59_ 43.93' N. lat., 153_ 22.83' W. long. to 59_ 42.90' N. lat., 153_ 22.86' W. long.;  
    		(5) waters of Ursus Cove west of a line from 59_ 32.43' N. lat., 153_ 46.06' W. long. to 59_ 31.20' N. lat., 153_ 45.74' W. long.  
    	(f)  Outer District  
    		(1) waters of Port Chatham east of a line from 59_ 13.32' N. lat., 151_ 43.41' W. long. to 59_ 12.59' N. lat., 151_ 43.55' W. long.;  
    		(2) waters of Windy Bay west of 151_ 32.85' W. long.;  
    		(3) waters of Taylor Bay north of 59_ 18.00' N. lat.;  
    		(4) waters of Tacoma Cove and Sunday Harbor east of 151_ 01.15' W. long.;  
    		(5) waters of Koyuktolik (Dogfish) Bay east of a line from 59_ 14.45' N. lat., 151_ 52.72' W. long. to 59_ 14.25' N. lat., 151_ 52.90' W. long.;  
    		(6) waters of Chugach Bay west of a line from 59_ 11.36' N. lat., 151_ 37.57' W. long. to 59_ 11.03' N. lat., 151_ 37.25' W. long.;  
    		(7) waters of Rocky Bay inshore of a line from 59_ 14.92' N. lat., 151_ 23.82' W. long. to 59_ 14.72' N. lat., 151_ 23.32' W. long.;  
    		(8) waters of Port Dick west of a line from 59_ 18.16' N. lat., 151_ 17.33' W. long. to 59_ 18.60' N. lat., 151_ 17.10' W. long.;  
    		(9) waters of Middle Creek north of a line from 59_ 18.18' N. lat., 151_ 12.13' W. long. to 59_ 18.08' N. lat., 151_ 13.13' W. long.;  
    		(10) waters of Island Creek inshore of a line from 59_ 17.09' N. lat., 151_ 08.78' W. long. to 59_ 17.11' N. lat., 151_ 08.30' W. long. and inshore of a line from 59_ 17.04' N. lat., 151_ 08.06' W. long. to 59_ 16.88' N. lat., 151_ 07.15' W. long., and including the waters northwest of the island between those two lines;  
    		(11) waters of McCarty Fjord north of a line from 57_ 37.52' N. lat., 150_ 19.18' W. long. to 59_ 37.03' N. lat., 150_ 17.01' W. long.;  
    		(12) waters of the East Nuka Subdistrict east of a line from a point north of the entrance to McCarty Lagoon at 59_ 32.76' N. lat., 150_ 20.20' W. long. to a point offshore of the entrance of McCarty Lagoon at 59_ 32.45' N. lat., 150_ 21.00' W. long. to a point south of the entrance of McCarty Lagoon at 59_ 31.90' N. lat., 150_ 21.00' W. long.;  
    		(13) waters of the East Nuka Subdistrict east of a line from a point north of the entrance to Desire Lake Creek at 59_ 35.02' N. lat., 150_ 17.86' W. long. to a point south of the entrance to Desire Lake Creek at 59_ 34.68' N. lat., 150_ 17.95' W. long.  
    	(g)  Eastern District  
    		(1) waters of Resurrection Bay west of a line from the old military dock pilings on the west shore of Resurrection Bay north of Caines Head at 60_ 00.48' N. lat., 149_ 24.20' W. long. to a point located near the Seward Airport at 60_ 07.49' N. lat., 149_ 24.72' W. long.;  
    		(2) king and coho salmon may not be taken in waters of Resurrection Bay north of a line from Cape Resurrection  at 59_ 52.00' N. lat., 149_ 16.71' W. long. to a point on Aialik Cape at 59_ 42.39' N. lat., 149_ 31.29' W. long.;  
    		(3) waters of Aialik Bay north of 59_ 53.47' N. lat.  
    	(h)  In any bay, estuary, slough, or lagoon less than 300 feet in width at mean low tide.  
    	(i)  In all other streams or rivers within 500 yards of the terminus or as specified in 5 AAC 39.290.  




AS 16.05.251
In effect before 1982; am 4/14/82, Register 82; am 5/11/85, Register 94; am 4/18/86, Register 98; am 3/20/87, Register 101; am 6/10/89, Register 110; am 4/7/93, Register 126; am 7/23/94, Register 131; am 5/31/96, Register 138; am 6/13/99, Register 150; am 8/8/99, Register 151; am 6/11/2005, Register 174; am 5/26/2006, Register 178; am 3/2/2011, Register 197; am 3/22/2014, Register 209; am 5/18/2014, Register 210