Section 5.21.368. Big River Sockeye Salmon Management Plan.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  The purpose of this management plan is to authorize a harvest of Big River sockeye salmon by set gillnets in a portion of the Kustatan and Kalgin Island Subdistricts.  
    	(b)  Salmon may be taken in waters of the Kustatan Subdistrict along the mainland shore from the terminus of the Kustatan River, southwest to the southern boundary of the subdistrict, and in the Kalgin Island Subdistrict along the western shore from Light Point (60_ 29.00' N. lat., 151_ 50.50' W. long.) to the Kalgin Island Light on the southern end of Kalgin Island at 60_ 20.80' N. lat., 152_ 05.09' W. long.  
    	(c)  The open fishing season is from June 1 through June 24, except that if June 1 falls within a closed weekly fishing period, the season will open the next following open period.  
    	(d)  Fishing periods are from 7:00 a.m. through 7:00 p.m. on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.  
    	(e)  Salmon may be taken by set gillnets only as follows:  
    		(1) a set gillnet may not exceed 35 fathoms in length nor five and one-half inches in mesh size;  
    		(2) no CFEC permit holder may operate more than one set gillnet at a time;  
    		(3) no set gillnet may be set or operated within 1,800 feet of another set gillnet;  
    		(4) no set gillnet may extend more than 35 fathoms seaward of the mainland beach at the lowest tide of the current day;  
    		(5) repealed 4/7/93.  
    	(f)  Commercial salmon fishing is prohibited as follows, and no other closed waters provision applies:  
    		(1) within one statute mile of the terminus, at mean high tide, of the Kustatan River and of the Drift River, and within one statute mile of the Big River;  
    		(2) within 500 yards of the terminus, at mean high tide, of Montana Bill Creek and of Bachatna Creek (also known as Johnson Slough);  
    		(3) in the freshwater portions of any anadromous fish stream, in accordance with 5 AAC 39.290.  
    	(g)  The commissioner shall close, by emergency order, the fishery, when the harvest of king salmon reaches 1,000 fish.  
    	(h)  The commissioner may depart from the provisions of the management plan under this section as provided in 5 AAC 21.363(e).  




AS 16.05.060 AS 16.05.251
Eff. 6/10/89, Register 110; am 4/7/93, Register 126; am 6/11/2005, Register 174; am 6/4/2008, Register 186