Section 5.27.463. Eastern, Outer, and Southern Districts Herring Management Plan.  

Latest version.
  • The Board of Fisheries (board) is concerned that the current stock abundance of herring in the Eastern, Outer, and Southern Districts is insufficient to ensure that the commercial herring fishery can be conducted in a sustainable manner. Therefore, the commercial herring fishery in the Eastern, Outer, and Southern Districts remains closed until the board approves a management plan that considers the following factors:  
    		(1) viability of herring stocks on a spawning area basis;  
    		(2) minimum spawning biomass thresholds;  
    		(3) abundance of mature herring for each stock;  
    		(4) maximum allowable exploitation rates depending on estimated stock biomass;  
    		(5) age class strength and sex composition;  
    		(6) the ecosystem function of both target and nontarget species;  
    		(7) maintenance of the geographic distribution of the resource.   




AS 16.05.251
Eff. 3/8/2002, Register 161