Section 5.28.112. Flatfish (flounder and sole) fishing seasons for Eastern Gulf of Alaska Area.  

Latest version.
  • In the waters of Alaska in the Eastern Gulf of Alaska Area, flatfish (flounder and sole) may be taken by trawl only as follows:  
    		(1) in waters of Sumner Strait north and east of a line from Mitchell Point to Point St. John, west of a line from the tip of Low Point to the tip of Point Alexander, south of a line from Point Alexander to the southernmost tip of Woewodski Island, and south of the latitude of the northernmost tip of Butterworth Island in Duncan Canal, from October 1 through November 15 and from February 15 through April 15;  
    		(2) in waters of Zimovia Strait and Anita Bay south of the latitude of Nemo Point and north of the latitude of Village Island, from October 1 through April 15;  
    		(3) in waters of Sumner Strait, Stikine Strait, and Eastern Passage north and east of a line from Point Howe to Neal Point to Woronkofski Point to Point Highfield, north and west of a line from Babbler Point to Hour Point, and south of the latitude of Blaquiere Point, from October 1 through April 15;  
    		(4) in waters of Keku Strait and Port Camden south and east of a line from Point Macartney to Cornwallis Point and west of a line from Point Camden to Salt Point, from October 1 through November 15 and from February 15 through April 15.  




AS 16.05.251 Editor's note: Before Register 130, 4/15/94, the substance of 5 AAC 28.112 was contained in 5 AAC 28.110. The history note for 5 AAC 28.112 does not reflect the history of the provision before Register 130, 4/15/94.
Eff. 4/15/94, Register 130; am 6/3/2000, Register 154; am 7/29/2000, Register 155; am 7/18/2003, Register 167

