Section 5.28.250. Closed waters in Prince William Sound Area.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  Groundfish may not be taken with pots in the waters enclosed by lines from Point Whitshed to Point Bentinck, from Cape Hinchinbrook Light to Seal Rocks Light to Zaikof Point at 60_ 18.48' N. lat., 146_ 55.10' W. long., and from a point at 60_ 11' N. lat., 147_ 20' W. long. on the northwest side of Montague Island, north to a point at 60_ 30' N. lat., 147_ 20' W. long., then east to a point at 60_ 30' N. lat., 147_ 00' W. long., then northeast to Knowles Head at 60_ 41' N. lat., 146_ 37.50' W. long., except that groundfish may be taken with pots  
    		(1) within Orca Bay, east of 146_ 37.50' W. long., excluding the waters of Port Gravina north of a line from Gravina Point to Red Head at 60_ 40.25' N. lat., 146_ 30.22' W. long.;  
    		(2) in waters not more than 75 fathoms deep within waters enclosed by a line from Johnstone Point Light to Montague Point at 60_ 23' N. lat., 147_ 06' W. long., to Middle Point at 60_ 20.50' N. lat., 147_ W. long. to Schooner Rock Light (Zaikof Point) to Cape Hinchinbrook Light.  
    	(b)  Repealed 6/20/2010.  
    	(c)  In addition to the trawl restrictions specified in 5 AAC 39.165, a person may not use trawl gear for walleye pollock fishing from June 1 through November 1 within 10 nautical miles of the following areas:  
    		(1) Point Elrington at 59_ 56.00' N. lat., 148_ 15.20' W. long.;  
    		(2) Wooded Island at 59_ 52.90' N. lat., 147_ 20.65' W. long.;  
    		(3) The Needle at 60_ 06.64' N. lat., 147_ 36.17' W. long.;  
    		(4) Glacier Island at 60_ 51.30' N. lat., 147_ 14.50' W. long.;  
    		(5) Seal Rocks at 60_ 09.78' N. lat., 146_ 50.30' W. long.;  
    		(6) Cape Hinchinbrook at 60_ 14.00' N. lat., 146_ 38.50' W. long.;  
    		(7) Hook Point at 60_ 20.00' N. lat., 146_ 16.50' W. long.   




AS 16.05.251
Eff. 4/4/97, Register 142; am 7/5/2000, Register 155; am 3/14/2009, Register 189; am 6/20/2010, Register 194; am 2/22/2015, Register 213; am 6/26/2016, Register 218