Section 5.28.450. Closed waters in Kodiak Area.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  From June 1 through October 31, groundfish may not be taken by seines in waters listed in 5 AAC 18.350.  
    	(b)  Rockfish (genus Sebastes) may not be taken in waters of Monashka Bay inside of a line from the tip of Termination Point to the tip of Miller Point.  
    	(c)  Repealed 4/7/93.  
    	(d)  Repealed 4/4/97.  
    	(e)  The waters of Alaska in the Kodiak Area that are approximately three miles on either side of the mouth of the Karluk River bounded on the north by a line from 57_ 36.26' N. lat., 154_ 23.73' W. long., to a point at the state waters boundary at 57_ 38.51', 154_ 27.92' W. long., and bounded on the south by a line from 57_ 32.34' N. lat., 154_ 32.15' W. long., to a point at the state waters boundary at 57_ 34.84' N. lat., 154_ 36.80' W. long. are closed to fishing with trawl gear.  





5 AAC 28.467
AS 16.05.251
Eff. 7/30/89, Register 111; em am 4/30/91 - 5/30/91, Register 118; am 7/21/91, Register 119; am 4/7/93, Register 126; am 2/24/96, Register 137; am 4/4/97, Register 142; am 4/21/2011, Register 198