Section 5.28.600. Description of Bering Sea-Aleutian Islands Area.  

Latest version.
  • The Bering Sea-Aleutian Islands Area consists of all territorial waters of Alaska in the Bering Sea, and in that portion of the North Pacific Ocean adjacent to the Aleutian Islands and west of 170_ W. long., including those waters north of the latitude of Nichols Point (54_ 51.30' N. lat.) near False Pass, and north of a line extending from Unimak Island (54_ 23.74' N. lat., 164_ 44.73' W. long.) to Akun Island (54_ 11.71' N. lat., 165_ 23.09' W. long.), and from Akun Island (54_ 08.40' N. lat., 165_ 38.29' W. long.) to Akutan Island (54_ 07.69' N. lat., 165_ 39.74' W. long.), and from Akutan Island (54_ 02.69' N. lat., 166_ 02.93' W. long.) to Unalaska Island (53_ 58.97' N. lat., 166_ 16.50' W. long.), and from Unalaska Island (53_ 18.95' N. lat., 167_ 51.06' W. long.) to Umnak Island (53_ 23.13' N. lat., 167_ 50.50' W. long.), and from Umnak Island (52_ 49.24' N. lat., 169_ 07.10' W. long.), to Chuginadak Island (52_ 49.18' N. lat., 169_ 40.47' W. long.).  




AS 16.05.251
Eff. 7/30/89, Register 111; am 4/4/97, Register 142; am 5/16/2010, Register 194