Section 5.29.112. Management of chum salmon troll fishery.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  The commissioner may open, by emergency order, a hatchery chum salmon troll fishery only during the summer coho salmon troll fishery closures specified in 5 AAC 29.110(b)(2).  
    	(b)  If the commissioner opens a season under (a) of this section, chum salmon fishing will occur only  
    		(1) in the waters of Sitka Sound and the Eastern Channel east of a line from Vitskari Rock Light to Inner Point, south of a line from Inner Point to Black Rock at 57_ 03.12' N. lat., 135_ 25.63' W. long., to Signal Island Light at 57_ 02.78' N. lat., 135_ 23.58' W. long., and north of a line from Cape Burunof at 56_ 59.03' N. lat., 135_ 23.23' W. long., to Kulichkof Rock at 56_ 59.52' N. lat., 135_ 26.62' W. long., to Vitskari Rock Light; and  
    		(2) in the waters of Neets Bay east of the longitude of Chin Point to the longitude of the easternmost tip of Bug Island.  
    	(c)  When the summer king salmon troll fishery is closed, a person may not have king salmon on board a salmon troll vessel while fishing for chum salmon.  
    	(d)  When the summer coho salmon troll fishery is closed, a person may not have coho salmon on board a salmon troll vessel while fishing for chum salmon.  




AS 16.05.060 AS 16.05.251
Eff. 6/14/2000, Register 154; am 3/11/2001, Register 157; am 7/26/2003, Register 167