Section 5.30.350. Closed waters.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  Salmon may not be taken in the following waters:  
    		(1) Alsek River: upstream starting at three miles below the southern end of "basin";  
    		(2) Situk River: upstream of a line from the ADF&G regulatory marker located on Hoggish Point southeast to an ADF&G regulatory marker on the opposite bank of the Situk River channel to an ADF&G regulatory marker on the cut bank on the eastern side of the mouth of Johnson Slough;  
    		(3) Ankau Inlet: inside of a line from ADF&G regulatory markers located across the terminus of Ankau Inlet at mean low water;  
    		(4) Italio Rivers:  
    			(A) upstream from the ADF&G regulatory markers located one and one-half miles from the terminus of the Middle Italio River at mean low water;  
    			(B) downstream from the ADF&G regulatory markers located 200 yards upstream from the New Italio River's confluence with the Akwe River lagoon; and  
    			(C) upstream of the ADF&G regulatory markers located 500 yards upstream from the New Italio River's confluence with the Akwe River lagoon;  
    		(5) East River: upstream from ADF&G regulatory markers located approximately one mile downstream from the westernmost tip of Steve's Island at 138_ 25.25' W. long.;  
    		(6) Akwe River: downstream from ADF&G regulatory markers located approximately 500 yards above the confluence with the New Italio River and upstream of ADF&G regulatory markers located approximately two and one-half miles downstream from the westernmost end of the Sand Dunes;  
    		(7) Lost River: upstream from ADF&G regulatory markers located in the Situk-Ahrnklin Inlet approximately 100 yards downstream from the terminus of the river, except that, after the closure of the fishing period for the Situk-Ahrnklin Inlet during the second week of July through the remainder of the season, upstream from ADF&G regulatory markers located in the Situk-Ahrnklin Inlet approximately 500 yards downstream from the terminus of the river;  
    		(8) Old Village Lagoon: upstream from the road;  
    		(9) salmon may not be taken with set gillnets in those waters of the Yakutat District south of the latitude of the Dangerous River (59_ 20.83' N. lat.) that are seaward of mean higher high tide except as indicated as open to commercial salmon fishing by ADF&G regulatory markers;  
    		(10) Kaliakh River: upstream of ADF&G regulatory markers located approximately 500 yards downstream of the mouth of the Chiuki River (Stink Creek);  
    		(11) Dangerous River: upstream of the Dangerous River Bridge;  
    		(12) Tsiu River: upstream of ADF&G regulatory markers located approximately one-half mile downstream from Duck Camp Island.  
    	(b)  Repealed 10/1/98.  
    	(c)  In this section, "mean low water" means the average of the low tides of that day.  




AS 16.05.060 AS 16.05.251 Editor's note: As of Register 147, Oct. 1998, the substance of former 5 AAC 30.350(b) appears in 5 AAC 29.150(a)(2).
In effect before 1986; am 4/18/86, Register 98; am 6/25/89, Register 110; am 6/28/97, Register 142; am 10/1/98, Register 147; am 3/11/2001, Register 157; am 7/13/2012, Register 203; am 5/9/2015, Register 214

