Section 5.31.030. Inspection requirements.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  Except as provided in (b) of this section and unless otherwise specified in this chapter, a person may not fish for shrimp with a trawl using a vessel that is registered to fish in a shrimp registration area, district, or section unless that vessel has been inspected by a local representative of the department. The local representative shall make the inspection within 72 hours before a season opening or during the season. The inspection must be made at one of the inspection points specified in this chapter. Shrimp may not be on board the vessel at the time of the inspection. Successful completion of the inspection validates the vessel's registration for the registration area, district, or section. If an inspection is not required, completion of the registration form and submission of the completed form to the department by the vessel owner or the owner's agent validates the registration.  
    	(b)  By public announcement, the commissioner may require the  inspection of vessels that will fish for shrimp with trawls in a registration area that otherwise does not have inspection  requirements of this section.  
    	(c)  The local representative of the department may begin a vessel inspection no earlier than 72 hours before a fishing season opens in the registration area, district, or section in which the vessel will fish.  
    	(d)  The commissioner may designate additional inspection points for inspections required by this chapter if the commissioner finds that  
    		(1) the existing inspection points impose an unforeseen and significant hardship that persons fishing for shrimp with trawls cannot mitigate;  
    		(2) the department does not have a practical way to change existing inspection points to alleviate the hardship; and  
    		(3) designating additional inspection points would not cause a significant likelihood that unauthorized fishing or other management or enforcement problems will occur.  
    	(e)  The department shall issue to the vessel owner or the owner's agent a vessel inspection certificate for a vessel upon successful completion of an inspection required by this chapter. A vessel inspection is not successfully completed unless the vessel owner, or the owner's agent, produces for the local representative of the department who is conducting the inspection the current registration certificate for the registration area in which the vessel will fish. The vessel owner, or the owner's agent, shall sign the vessel inspection certificate when received, shall keep it on the vessel and during fishing operations, and, upon request, shall show it to a peace officer of the state.  




AS 16.05.251
In effect before 1984; am 6/30/84, Register 90; am 12/14/86, Register 100; am 5/8/98, Register 146