Section 5.31.160. Shrimp pot fishing seasons for Registration Area D.  

Latest version.
  • In Registration Area D, shrimp may be taken by pots only as follows:  
    		(1) except the waters described in (2) of this section, in the waters of Yakutat Bay that are east of a line running from the westernmost tip of Ocean Cape to the westernmost tip of Point Manby, from 12:00 noon May 1 through February 28;  
    		(2) in the waters of Yakutat Bay that are east of a line running from the northernmost point of Khantaak Island to Logan Bluff at 59_ 47' N. lat., 139_ 35' W. long., and the waters east of a line running from the northernmost point of Khantaak Island to the northernmost point of Doggie Island, from 12:00 noon October 1 through February 28;  
    		(3) in other waters of Registration Area D, from January 1 through December 31.  





5 AAC 31.165
AS 16.05.251
Eff. 12/14/86, Register 100; am 6/25/89, Register 110; am 4/15/94, Register 130; am 9/28/97, Register 143; am 5/8/98, Register 146; am 5/9/2015, Register 214