Section 5.31.592. Chignik District Pot Shrimp Fisheries Management Plan.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  The management plan in this section applies to shrimp fishing with pots in the Chiginagak Bay, Nakalilok Bay, and Aniakchak Bay Sections of the Chignik District.  
    	(b)  Shrimp may be taken from only May 1 through February 28, unless closed earlier by emergency order.  
    	(c)  The guideline harvest range is 0 - 40,000 pounds, whole weight. No more than 15,000 pounds, whole weight, may be harvested from an individual section during a calendar year.  
    	(d)  Before operating shrimp pots under this section, a person must obtain a logbook provided by the department. The logbook requirements are as follows:  
    		(1) the logbook must be completed for all fishing activity, including the bycatch of fish and shellfish taken other than shrimp;  
    		(2) the logbook must be kept on board the vessel while operating gear, during transits to and from a port of landing, and for five days after the corresponding delivery of shrimp has been made;  
    		(3) the logbook must be made available to a local representative of the department or peace officer of the state upon request;  
    		(4) a person may not make a false entry in the logbook; and  
    		(5) a copy of the pages of the logbook pertaining to a delivery must be attached to the fish ticket documenting the delivery.  
    	(e)  Shrimp pots left unattended for longer than two weeks during the open fishing season must have bait and bait containers removed and all doors secured open.   





5 AAC 31.510
AS 16.05.060 AS 16.05.251
Eff. 7/31/2003, Register 167