Section 5.33.364. Southeastern Alaska Area Enhanced Salmon Allocation Management Plan.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  The purpose of the management plan contained in this section is to provide a fair and reasonable distribution of the harvest of salmon from enhancement projects among the seine, troll, and drift gillnet commercial fisheries, and to reduce conflicts among these users, in the Southeastern Alaska Area. The Board of Fisheries establishes the following value allocations:  
    		(1) seine - 44 percent - 49 percent;  
    		(2) hand and power troll - 27 percent - 32 percent;  
    		(3) drift gillnet - 24 percent - 29 percent.  
    	(b)  The department shall evaluate the annual harvest of salmon stocks from enhancement projects to determine whether the distribution of the value of enhanced salmon taken in the seine, troll, and drift gillnet fisheries in the Southeastern Alaska Area is consistent with the allocations established in (a) of this section. The evaluation of allocation percentages shall be based on five-year increments, beginning with 1985. The value of the enhanced salmon harvested each year shall be determined by the department based on data from the Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission.  
    	(c)  If the value of the harvest of enhanced salmon stocks by a gear group listed in (a) of this section is outside of its allocation percentage for three consecutive years, the board will, in its discretion, adjust fisheries within special harvest areas to bring the gear group within its allocation percentage.  
    	(d)  The department may not make inseason adjustments or changes in management in or out of the special harvest areas to achieve the allocation percentages established in (a) of this section.  




AS 16.05.251 AS 16.05.730 AS 16.10.440
Eff. 5/29/94, Register 130