Section 5.33.375. District 13: Silver Bay (Medvejie Creek Hatchery) Salmon Management Plan.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  The commissioner shall open and close, by emergency order, salmon fishing seasons and periods in waters of Silver Bay east of a line from Entry Point Light at 57_ 01.98' N. lat., 135_  15.00' W. long., to Silver Point at 57_ 00.82' N. lat., 135_ 18.10' W. long., to ensure chum salmon broodstock escapement to the Medvejie Creek Hatchery and to allow for the common property fisheries to harvest excess salmon, including king salmon, by troll gear before July 31.  
    	(b)  The waters of Bear Cove are closed to commercial salmon troll gear east of a line from a point on the south shore at 57_ 00.77' N. lat., 135_ 09.08' W. long. to the north shore at 57_ 00.94' N. lat., 135_ 09.23' W. long.  




AS 16.05.060 AS 16.05.251
Eff. 5/31/85, Register 94; am 4/23/94, Register 130; am 6/28/97, Register 142; am 6/14/2000, Register 154; am 3/11/2001, Register 157; am 7/26/2003, Register 167; am 7/13/2012, Register 203; am 2/22/2015, Register 213