Section 5.33.378. District 11: Snettisham Hatchery Salmon Management Plan.  

Latest version.
  • The department shall manage the enhanced sockeye salmon production and returns from Port Snettisham to meet the following objectives, in order of priority:   
    		(1) sustain the production of wild sockeye salmon from Crescent Lake and Speel Lake;  
    		(2) manage the enhanced Snettisham sockeye returns in a manner that does not prevent the achievement of escapement goals or the Pacific Salmon Treaty harvest sharing agreements for the Taku River salmon stocks;  
    		(3) conduct annual assessment programs during the harvest to estimate Snettisham wild sockeye salmon stock escapements and the contributions of enhanced sockeye salmon to the commercial fisheries in District 11;  
    		(4) conduct the common property harvest in the special harvest area by limiting time and area through emergency order authority to protect the wild sockeye salmon runs.   




AS 16.05.060 AS 16.05.251
Eff. 6/14/2000, Register 154