Section 5.33.386. District 15: Boat Harbor Terminal Harvest Area Management Plan.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  This management plan provides for the harvest of hatchery-produced chum salmon in the Boat Harbor Terminal Harvest Area for the Southeastern Alaska drift gillnet fleet in Section  15-C. The Boat Harbor Terminal Harvest Area includes those waters within two nautical miles of the western shoreline of Lynn Canal from the latitude of Lance Point at 58_ 43.95' N. lat. south to the latitude of a point located approximately 2.4 miles north of Point Whidbey at 58_ 37.05' N. lat.  
    	(b)  The department will, in consultation with Douglas Island Pink and Chum, manage the waters of the Boat Harbor Terminal Harvest Area to harvest hatchery-produced chum salmon from the third Sunday in June through September 15, as follows:  
    		(1) unless modified by an emergency order, fishing will be open continuously within the Boat Harbor Terminal Harvest Area in the waters of Boat Harbor west of 135_ 09.57' W. long.;  
    		(2) the remainder of the Boat Harbor Terminal Harvest Area will be managed by emergency order to provide access to hatchery-produced chum salmon after managing for the adequate escapement of wild salmon stocks.  




AS 16.05.060 AS 16.05.251
Eff. 5/31/2009, Register 190