Section 5.34.114. Southeast Alaska Golden King Crab Management Plan.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  The Southeast Alaska golden king crab fishery shall be managed consistently with the board's Policy on King and Tanner Crab Resource Management (90-04-FB, March 23, 1990), adopted by this reference, and according to the principles set out in this section.  
    	(b)  To the extent possible, golden king crab shall be managed as a separate stock in each defined fishing area. The department shall close an area if the abundance of various sizes of male crabs is inadequate to provide for a sustained harvest, or when potentially high effort precludes an orderly fishery.  
    	(c)  The department shall base management on historical fishery performance, catch, and population structure information. A lack of adequate information will result in conservative management.  




AS 16.05.251 Editor's note: Copies of the board policy adopted by reference in 5 AAC 34.114 are available at regional offices of the Department of Fish and Game and from the department's Juneau office, P.O. Box 115526, Juneau, AK 99811-5526.
Eff. 6/24/93, Register 126; am 8/14/2005, Register 175

