Section 5.34.927. King crab pot storage requirements for Registration Area Q.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  Notwithstanding 5 AAC 34.052, in the Norton Sound Section of Registration Area Q, rectangular king crab pots with all bait and bait containers removed and all doors secured fully open, and cone or pyramid king crab pots with all bait and bait containers removed and all doors not secured closed, may be stored in waters deeper than 25 fathoms only for 72 hours following the closure of the commercial king crab season in the Norton Sound Section.  
    	(b)  In the Northern District of Registration Area Q, king crab pots may be stored only in waters north of 59_ N. lat., south of 59_ 30' N. lat., west of 169_ 31' W. long., and east of 171_ W. long., or by removal from the water.  
    	(c)  From June 1 through August 31, king crab pots may not be stored in the waters around the Pribilof Islands shoreward of the 25-fathom isobath.  




AS 16.05.251
Eff. 11/6/96, Register 140