Section 5.39.001. Application of this chapter.  

Latest version.
  • Unless otherwise specified in this section or 5 AAC 01 - 5 AAC 77, requirements in this chapter apply to commercial fishing only, except that 5 AAC 39.002 and 5 AAC 39.999 apply to all of 5 AAC 01 - 5 AAC 77. Subsistence, personal use, and sport fishing regulations affecting commercial fishing vessels or affecting any other commercial fishing activity are set out in the subsistence fishing regulations in 5 AAC 01 and 5 AAC 02, personal use regulations in 5 AAC 77, and sport fishing regulations in 5 AAC 47 - 5 AAC 75.  




AS 16.05.251
In effect before 1983; am 6/30/83, Register 86; am 6/2/95, Register 134; am 5/31/98, Register 146