Section 5.39.250. Gillnet specifications and operations.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  The trailing of gillnet web is prohibited at any time or place where fishing is not permitted.  
    	(b)  Set gillnets shall be removed from the water during any closed period.  
    	(c)  The gillnet web in a gillnet must contain  
    		(1) at least 30 filaments, each of which must be of equal diameter; or  
    		(2) at least six filaments, each of which must be at least 0.20 millimeters in diameter.  
    	(d)  The float line and floats of gillnets must be floating on the surface of the water while the net is fishing, unless natural conditions cause the net to temporarily sink. The restriction of this subsection does not apply in the Arctic-Kotzebue Area (5 AAC 03.100), the Norton Sound-Port Clarence Area (5 AAC 04.100), the Yukon Area (5 AAC 05.100), the Kuskokwim Area (5 AAC 07.100), and the Kodiak Area (5 AAC 18.100).  





5 AAC 21.331
AS 16.05.251
In effect before 1983; am 4/16/83, Register 86; am 3/29/87, Register 101; am 4/2/88, Register 105; am 7/16/92, Register 123; am 7/13/2012, Register 203