Section 5.40.032. District 11: Douglas Island Pink and Chum (DIPAC) Special Harvest Area.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  The following special harvest areas are established for Douglas Island Pink and Chum (DIPAC):  
    		(1) Gastineau Channel Special Harvest Area: the waters east of 134_ 29.25' W. long. (near Salmon Creek) and west of 134_ 17.38' W. long. (approximately one mile north of Dupont Dock);  
    		(2) Amalga Harbor Special Harvest Area: the waters enclosed by a line from the Shrine of St. Terese to the southernmost tip of Bird Island to the northernmost tip of Gull Island to a point on the eastern mainland shore at 58_ 30.80' N. lat.;  
    		(3) Boat Harbor Special Harvest Area: the waters within one mile of the western shoreline of Lynn Canal south of 58_ 40' N. lat. to a point 2.4 miles north of Point Whidbey at 58_ 37.05' N. lat., including the waters inside Boat Harbor;  
    		(4) Speel Arm Special Harvest Area: the waters of Speel Arm north of 58_ 03.42' N. lat.  
    	(b)  A hatchery permit holder harvesting salmon within the special harvest area under the terms of the hatchery permit is exempt from the provisions of 5 AAC 33.310. The open fishing season within the DIPAC Gastineau Channel, Amalga Harbor, and Speel Arm Special Harvest Areas, for the hatchery permit holder is from June 1 through October 31. Additional fishing periods may be established by emergency order.  
    	(c)  Notwithstanding 5 AAC 33.330, legal gear types for the hatchery permit holder in a special harvest area are purse seine, hand purse seine, beach seine, fyke net, drift gillnet, set gillnet, and dip net, and troll gear.  




AS 16.05.060 AS 16.05.251 AS 16.10.440
In effect 1984; am 9/22/84, Register 91; am 4/23/94, Register 130; am 6/28/97, Register 142; am 10/1/98, Register 147; am 6/14/2000, Register 154; am 3/11/2001, Register 157; am 7/13/2012, Register 203