Section 5.41.400. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • Unless the context requires otherwise, in 5 AAC 41.200 - 5 AAC 41.400,  
    		(1) "aquatic farm" has the meaning given in AS 16.40.199;  
    		(2) "aquatic farm product" has the meaning given in AS 16.40.199;  
    		(3) "aquatic farm site" means a tract of land permitted and used for commercial production of aquatic farm products;  
    		(4) "broodstock" means specimens of a species collected to produce seed stock;  
    		(5) "commissioner" means the commissioner of fish and game;  
    		(6) "culture" means to use or the use of methods to manipulate the biology and the physical habitat of a desired species to optimize survival, density, growth rates, uniformity of size, and use of the available habitat, and to efficiently produce a product suitable for a commercial market;  
    		(7) "department" means the Department of Fish and Game;  
    		(8) "established use"  
    			(A) means a  
    				(i) commercial fishery that is subject to limited entry under AS 16.43,  or to permit, registration, management, or other authorization requirements under this title;  
    				(ii) sport fishery that occurs with historical regularity, as indicated by department field surveys, creel census sampling, sport use surveys, or other reliable sources of information or validated testimony;  
    				(iii) personal use fishery that occurs with historical regularity, as indicated by personal use permit reports, department field surveys, personal use surveys, or other reliable sources of information or validated testimony;  
    				(iv) subsistence fishery that occurs with historical regularity, as indicated by subsistence permit reports, department field surveys, community use surveys, or other reliable sources of information or validated testimony;  
    			(B) does not include an experimental fishery;  
    		(9) "hatchery" has the meaning given in AS 16.40.199;  
    		(10) "improve the productivity" means to increase the abundance or harvestable biomass of a species over time;  
    		(11) "insignificant population" has the meaning given in AS 16.40.199;  
    		(12) "positive control" has the meaning given in AS 16.40.199;  
    		(13) "predator exclusion" means to hinder or prevent a predator from reaching or consuming aquatic farm products;  
    		(14) "seed stock" means life stages of invertebrates that require a period of culture under positive control before reaching marketable size or quality;  
    		(15) "shellfish" has the meaning given in AS 16.40.199;  
    		(16) "species intended for culture" means the species of aquatic plant or animal that an applicant proposes to culture under positive control;  
    		(17) "stock" has the meaning given in AS 16.40.199;  
    		(18) "wild stock" means animals or plants that seed and occupy a site through natural processes.  




AS 16.05.020 AS 16.05.092 AS 16.05.340 AS 16.40.100 AS 16.40.160
Eff. 4/10/88, Register 106; am 8/12/89, Register 111; am 6/17/2001, Register 158; am 5/19/2005, Register 174; am 11/25/2005, Register 176