Section 5.59.120. General provisions for seasons, bag, possession, annual, and size limits, and methods and means for the Anchorage Bowl Drainages Area.  

Latest version.
  • Unless otherwise specified in 5 AAC 59.122 or by an emergency order issued under AS 16.05.060, the following are the general seasons, bag, possession, annual, and size limits, and methods and means that apply to sport fishing for finfish in the Anchorage Bowl Drainages Area:  
    		(1) king salmon  
    			(A) 20 inches or greater in length may not be retained or possessed; no open season; king salmon 20 inches or greater in length that are caught must be released immediately; a person may not remove a king salmon from the water before releasing the fish;  
    			(B) less than 20 inches in length  
    				(i) may not be retained or possessed in flowing waters and unstocked lakes and ponds; no open season; king salmon less than 20 inches in length that are caught must be released immediately; a person may not remove a king salmon from the water before releasing the fish;  
    				(ii) may be taken in stocked lakes and ponds from January 1 - December 31; bag and possession limit of five fish; for purposes of this sub-subparagraph, "stocked lakes and ponds" has the meaning given in (3)(A) of this section;  
    		(2) salmon, other than king salmon,  
    			(A) 16 inches or greater in length may not be retained or possessed; no open season; salmon, other than king salmon, 16 inches or greater in length that are caught must be released immediately;  
    			(B) less than 16 inches in length  
    				(i) may not be retained or possessed in flowing waters and unstocked lakes and ponds; no open season; salmon other than king salmon, less than 16 inches that are caught must be released immediately;  
    				(ii) may be taken in stocked lakes and ponds from January 1 - December 31; bag and possession limit of five fish; for the purposes of this sub-subparagraph, "stocked lakes and ponds" has the meaning given in (3)(A) of this section;  
    			(C) notwithstanding the provisions of this paragraph, in areas where the retention of coho salmon is allowed under 5 AAC 59.122, a coho salmon 16 inches or greater in length that is removed from the water must be retained and becomes part of the bag limit of the person originally hooking it; a person may not remove a coho salmon from the water before releasing the fish;  
    		(3) rainbow/steelhead trout may be taken from January 1 - December 31 in  
    			(A) stocked lakes and ponds; bag and possession limit of five fish, of which only one may be 20 inches or greater in length; for the purpose of this subparagraph, "stocked lakes and ponds" include Alder Pond, Airstrip/Willow Pond, Beach Lake, Campbell Point Lake, Cheney Lake, University Lake (Behn or APU Lake), Clunie Lake, Delong Lake, Dishno Lake, Edmunds Lake, Fish Lake, Green Lake, Gwen Lake, Hillberg Lake, Jewell Lake, Lake Otis, Lower Fire Lake, Mirror Lake, Otter Lake, Rabbit Lake, Sand Lake, Spring Lake, Taku Campbell Lake, Triangle Lake, Upper Sixmile Lake, and Waldon Lake;  
    			(B) flowing waters and unstocked lakes and ponds; bag and possession limit of two fish, of which only one may be 20 inches or greater in length; an annual limit of two fish 20 inches or greater in length; a harvest record is required as specified in 5 AAC 75.006; notwithstanding the annual limit established for rainbow/steelhead trout in this subparagraph, the annual limit for rainbow/steelhead trout in the combined waters of the Anchorage Bowl Drainages Area and in the other areas in the Cook Inlet region that are open to sport fishing for rainbow/steelhead trout under 5 AAC 56 - 5 AAC 62 is two rainbow/steelhead trout 20 inches or greater in length;  
    		(4) Arctic char/Dolly Varden may be taken from January 1 - December 31 in  
    			(A) stocked lakes and ponds; bag and possession limit of five fish; no size limit; for the purpose of this subparagraph, "stocked lakes and ponds" has the meaning given in (3)(A) of this section;  
    			(B) flowing waters and unstocked lakes and ponds; bag and possession limit of five fish, of which only one may be greater than 12 inches in length;  
    		(5) Arctic grayling may be taken from January 1 - December 31  
    			(A) stocked lakes and ponds; bag and possession limit of five fish; no size limit; for the purposes of this subparagraph, "stocked lakes and ponds" has the meaning given in (3)(A) of this section;  
    			(B) flowing waters and unstocked lakes and ponds; bag and possession limit of two fish, of which only one may be greater than 12 inches in length;  
    		(6) lake trout may be taken from January 1 - December 31; bag and possession limit of two fish; no size limit;  
    		(7) northern pike may be taken from January 1 - December 31; no bag, possession, or size limits; northern pike may be taken in all lakes  
    			(A) by spear and bow and arrow; the arrow must have a barbed tip and be attached by a line to the bow; for the purposes of this subparagraph, "bow" means a long bow, recurve bow, compound bow, or crossbow;  
    			(B) with two hooks per line, when fishing through the ice, if both hooks are attached to the same single piece of bait;  
    		(8) other finfish not specified in this subsection may be taken from January 1 - December 31; no bag, possession, or size limits.  




AS 16.05.060 AS 16.05.251
Eff. 10/1/2006, Register 179; am 6/12/2011, Register 198; am 2/23/2014, Register 209; am 5/18/2014, Register 210