Section 5.61.112. Special provisions for the seasons, bag, possession, and size limits, and methods and means for Unit 1 of the Susitna River Drainage Area.  

Latest version.
  • Unless otherwise specified by an emergency order issued under AS 16.05.060, the following are localized additions and exceptions to the general seasons, bag, possession, and size limits, and methods and means to the general provisions specified in 5 AAC 61.110 and 5 AAC 75 for Unit 1 of the Susitna River Drainage Area:  
    		(1) from September 1 - July 13, in flowing waters only unbaited, artificial lures may be used;  
    		(2) in waters open to sport fishing for king salmon, from May 15 - July 13, sport fishing for any finfish species is closed from 11:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.;  
    		(3) except in Alexander Creek, the bag and possession limit for salmon, other than king salmon, 16 inches or greater in length is three fish per day with six in possession; after taking a bag limit of three salmon 16 inches or greater in length, a person may not sport fish for salmon on that same day;  
    		(4) except in the Alexander Creek drainage, the bag and possession limit for king salmon 20 inches or greater in length is one per day and two in possession;  
    		(5) in the Alexander Creek drainage, and all waters within a one-half mile radius of the confluence of Alexander Creek with the Susitna River,  
    			(A) sport fishing for king salmon is closed from January 1 - December 31;  
    			(B) repealed 6/4/2008;  
    			(C) in flowing waters upstream of ADF&G regulatory markers located approximately 400 yards upstream of Trail Creek, only one unbaited, single-hook, artificial lure may be used;  
    			(D) in flowing waters, rainbow/steelhead trout, Arctic char/Dolly Varden, and Arctic grayling may not be retained or possessed;  
    			(E) repealed 6/12/2011;  
    			(F) repealed 6/12/2011;  
    			(G) Sucker Lake and Alexander Lake are open to sport fishing through the ice for northern pike using five lines with bait if  
    				(i) the fishing gear is closely attended by the angler as specified in 5 AAC 75.033; and  
    				(ii) all other species of fish caught are released immediately;  
    			(H) from May 1 - July 13, sport fishing is closed within a one-half mile radius of the confluence of Alexander Creek and the Susitna River;   
    		(6) in the Deshka River drainage, including Trapper Lake,  
    			(A) in flowing waters upstream of the Moose/Kroto Creeks, from January 1 - December 31, only one unbaited, single-hook, artificial lure may be used; in all other flowing waters from September 1 - July 13 only unbaited, artificial lures may be used;  
    			(B) from its mouth upstream to ADF&G regulatory markers near Chijuk Creek (river mile 17), and in all waters within a one-half mile radius of its confluence with the Susitna River, king salmon may be taken from January 1 - July 13; from September 1 - May 31, only unbaited, artificial lures may be used; from June 1 - August 31, bait may be used; the remainder of the drainage is closed from January 1 - December 31 to sport fishing for king salmon;  
    			(C) after taking and retaining a king salmon 20 inches or greater in length, a person may not sport fish for king salmon on that same day;  
    			(D) in flowing waters upstream of the Moose/Kroto Creeks, rainbow/steelhead trout may not be retained or possessed; rainbow/steelhead trout caught must be released immediately and returned to the water unharmed;  
    			(E) Trail, Neil, Trapper, and Kroto Lakes are open to sport fishing for northern pike using five lines with bait if  
    				(i) the fishing gear is closely attended by the angler as specified in 5 AAC 75.033; and  
    				(ii) all other species of fish caught are released immediately;  
    		(7) in the flowing waters of Alexander Creek, Fish Creek (lower Susitna River drainage), Fish Creek (Kroto Slough), Witsoe Creek, and in Upper and Lower Vern and Lockwood Lakes, five lines may be used to fish for northern pike through the ice; allowable gear is limited to standard ice fishing gear as specified in 5 AAC 61.110(8)(B); fishing gear must be closely attended as specified in 5 AAC 75.033; all other species of fish caught must be released immediately.  





5 AAC 61.110
AS 16.05.060 AS 16.05.251
Eff. 10/1/2006, Register 179; am 11/12/2006, Register 180; am 6/4/2008, Register 186; am 6/21/2009, Register 190; am 6/12/2011, Register 198; am 5/18/2014, Register 210