Section 5.65.051. Waters closed to sport fishing in the Alaska Peninsula and Aleutian Islands Area.  

Latest version.
  • The following waters are closed to sport fishing in the Alaska Peninsula and Aleutian Island Area:  
    		(1) that portion of the Makushin River drainage upstream from an ADF&G regulatory marker located approximately two miles upstream from its mouth;  
    		(2) that portion of the Nateekin River drainage upstream from an ADF&G regulatory marker located approximately two miles upstream from its mouth (immediately below the canyon hole);  
    		(3) Humpy Cove and Summer Bay Lake outlet creeks;  
    		(4) the following areas on and around Unalaska Island are closed to sport fishing as follows:  
    			(A) the Illiuliuk River drainage, including Illiuliuk Creek (also known as Town or Unalaska Creek), Illiuliuk Lake, and all waters flowing into Illiliuk Lake,  
    				(i) is closed to sport fishing for sockeye salmon;  
    				(ii) upstream from ADF&G regulatory markers located at the Church Hole, is closed to sport fishing for salmon;  
    			(B) the Summer Bay Lake drainage and salt waters within a 250-yard radius of the Summer Bay Creek outlet are closed to sport fishing from August 16 through December 31;  
    		(5) Swanson Lagoon and its tributaries are closed  
    			(A) from January 1 through July 31, to sport fishing for salmon;   
    B) from August 1 through December 31, to sport fishing for sockeye salmon.  





5 AAC 65.020
AS 16.05.251
Eff. 6/14/2001, Register 158; am 6/4/2004, Register 170; am 6/1/2013, Register 206; am 6/5/2016, Register 218