Section 5.75.077. Sport fishing guide vessel registration requirements.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  Before being used to provide sport fishing guide services, a vessel must be registered annually with the department. A currently registered sport fish business owner, or the owner's authorized agent, shall register each individual vessel operated by the business to provide sport fishing guide services by completing a form provided by the department. At the time of registration, the business owner, or the owner's authorized agent, must provide the current division of motor vehicles boat registration number, issued under 2 AAC 70, or the current United States Coast Guard vessel documentation number of each vessel being registered.  
    	(b)  A person may not engage in sport fishing guide services from a powered or unpowered vessel unless the vessel is registered under (a) of this section and displays a sport fishing guide vessel decal with a current annual sticker issued by the department as follows:  
    		(1) upon initial registration of a vessel, two sport fishing guide vessel decals will be issued by the department for that vessel; one decal must be securely affixed on each side of the vessel and must be displayed in plain view at all times the vessel is engaged in sport fishing guide services;  
    		(2) for the years following the year of initial registration of a vessel, two current year renewal stickers will be issued by the department for that vessel; one current year renewal sticker must be securely affixed on each decal over the previous year renewal sticker and must be displayed in plain view at all times the vessel is engaged in sport fish guide services.  
    	(c)  If a decal or current year renewal sticker is lost or damaged, a replacement must be obtained from the department and affixed and displayed as required in this section before engaging in sport fish guide services with the vessel.  
    	(d)  A float tube used to provide sport fish guide services is exempt from the registration and decal requirements of this section. For the purposes of this subsection, "float tube" means a tubular floating device designed to support one person in the water and propelled only by power from the arms or legs of the operator.  





5 AAC 57.140
AS 16.05.251 AS 16.05.395
Eff. 2/10/2005, Register 173; am 3/4/2015, Register 213