Section 5.77.531. Personal use herring fishery.  

Latest version.
  • In the personal use taking of herring,  
    		(1) there are no bag or possession limits;  
    		(2) herring may be taken  
    			(A) in the Northern and Central Districts from April 1 through May 31;  
    			(B) in the Southern, Kamishak Bay, Barren Island, Outer, and Eastern Districts from January 1 through December 31; and  
    			(C) only with the following gear:  
    				(i) gillnets or dip nets may be used;  
    				(ii) gillnets may not be used in Turnagain Arm east of a line from Point Possession to Point Campbell;  
    				(iii) no gillnet may exceed 20 feet in length and two inches in mesh size, except in the Southern District no gillnet may exceed 50 feet in length and two inches in mesh size;  
    				(iv) cast nets may be used only in the Southern, Kamishak Bay, Barren Islands, Outer, and Eastern Districts;  
    		(3) each gillnet must be attended by the fisherman at all times when it is being used to take fish.  




AS 16.05.251
Eff. 6/20/82, Register 82; am 6/30/83, Register 86; am 5/11/85, Register 94; am 7/1/86, Register 99; am 6/10/89, Register 110; am 4/22/99, Register 150; am 3/2/2011, Register 197