Section 5.77.620. Personal use herring fishery.  

Latest version.
  • In the personal use taking of herring and herring spawn,  
    		(1) herring may be taken at any time;  
    		(2) herring and herring spawn may be taken by gear listed in 5 AAC 01.010;  
    		(3) there is no annual possession limit for herring or for herring spawn which is not on kelp;  
    		(4) herring spawn on kelp may only be taken under the authority of a personal use fishing permit; when issuing a personal use permit for the taking of herring spawn on kelp, the department may specify on the permit the times and locations for harvesting and the species of kelp which may be taken; the annual possession limit for herring spawn on kelp is 32 pounds for an individual or 158 pounds for a household of two or more persons; the department may issue an additional permit for taking herring spawn on kelp above the annual possession limit if harvestable surpluses of herring spawn on kelp are available;  
    		(5) herring taken under personal use regulations may not be used as bait in a commercial fishery.  




AS 16.05.251
Eff. 6/25/89, Register 110; am 7/1/2015, Register 214