Section 5.77.660. Personal use shrimp fishery.  

Latest version.
  • In the personal use taking of shrimp,  
    		(1) except as provided in (7) of this section, there is no closed season and no bag and possession limits;  
    		(2) a commercially licensed and registered shrimp fishing vessel may not be used to take shrimp in Districts 6 - 8 and 10 from February 15 through April 30;  
    		(3) shrimp may be taken only with pots, ring nets, or trawls;  
    		(4) unless otherwise provided for in this chapter, pots operated to take shrimp may be longlined; a buoy is not required for each pot, but at least one buoy on the longline must be marked as required in 5 AAC 77.010(d);  
    		(5) a pot used to take shrimp under this chapter must have  
    			(A) no more than four tunnel eye openings; no tunnel eye opening may exceed 15 inches in perimeter;  
    			(B) a bottom perimeter of no more than 153 inches; and  
    			(C) a volume of no more than 25 cubic feet;  
    		(6) before using a trawl to take shrimp, a person must first obtain a personal use fishing permit from the department; the permit will include the following conditions:  
    			(A) the area where the fishing will occur;  
    			(B) the dates that the fishing will occur;  
    			(C) the type of trawl to be used;  
    			(D) the length of the beam if a beam trawl is used;  
    			(E) the length of the footrope if an otter trawl is used;  
    			(F) any other pertinent gear specifications if a trawl other than a beam trawl or otter trawl is used;  
    			(G) the total poundage by species of all shrimp taken;  
    		(7) in the waters described in 5 AAC 33.200 as Section 11-A,  
    			(A) spot shrimp may be taken with pots and ring nets only under the authority of a permit issued under 5 AAC 77.015; only one permit may be issued to a household each year;   
    			(B) a permit holder shall record harvest information on forms provided by the department;  
    			(C) the bag and possession limit for spot shrimp is one gallon of spot shrimp, whether whole or de-headed.  




AS 16.05.251
Eff. 7/1/86, Register 99; am 6/25/89, Register 110; am 4/1/94, Register 129; am 9/28/97, Register 143; am 5/8/98, Register 146; am 6/3/2000, Register 154; am 7/18/2003, Register 167; am 8/8/2003, Register 167; am 5/26/2006, Register 178; am 5/9/2015, Register 214; am 6/5/2016, Register 218