Section 5.77.668. Personal use clam fishery.  

Latest version.
  • In the personal use taking of clams,  
    		(1) there is no closed season;  
    		(2) there are no daily bag and possession limits for clams, except that for  
    			(A) geoducks, the daily bag and possession limit is six;  
    			(B) razor clams on western Kruzof Island beaches between Cape Edgecumbe and Cape Georgiana, the bag and possession limit is 50 clams; all damaged razor clams are part of the bag limit;  
    			(C) unless opened by emergency order, the Sitka Sound Special Use Area described in 5 AAC 77.674(3)(A)(i) is closed to the harvest of razor clams;  
    		(3) in addition to the gear specified in 5 AAC 77.010(k)(3), geoducks may be taken with a hydraulic clam digger.  




AS 16.05.060 AS 16.05.251
Eff. 7/1/86, Register 99; am 6/25/89, Register 110; am 4/1/94, Register 129; am 6/19/97, Register 142; am 6/3/2000, Register 154; am 5/11/2012, Register 202