Section 5.85.020. Hunting seasons and bag limits for brown bear.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  In this section, the phrase "General hunt only" means that there is a general hunt for residents, but no subsistence hunt, during the relevant open season. For those units or portions of units within non-subsistence areas established by the Joint Boards of Fisheries and Game (5 AAC 99.015), there is a general hunt only. Hunting seasons and bag limits for brown bear are as follows:  
                            Open Season
                            (Subsistence and    Nonresident
    Units and Bag Limits    General Hunts)      Open Season 
      Unit 1(C) Berners
      Bay                 Sept. 15 - Dec. 31    Sept. 15 - Dec. 31
    drainages             (General hunt only)   Mar. 15 - May 31
                          Mar. 15 - May 31
                          (General hunt only)
      1 bear every
      regulatory year
      by registration
      permit only
      Remainder of Unit
      1                   Sept. 15 - Dec. 31    Sept. 15 - Dec. 31
                          (General hunt only)   Mar. 15 - May 31
                          Mar. 15 - May 31
                          (General hunt only)
      1 bear every 4
      regulatory years
      by registration
      permit only
      Unit 2              No open season.       No open season.
      Unit 3              Mar. 15 - May 31      No open season.
      1 bear every 4
      regulatory years    (General hunt only)
    by registration
    permit only
      Unit 4, Chichagof
      Island south and
      west of a line
      that follows the
      crest of the
      island from Rock
      Point (58_ N.
      lat., 136_ 21' W.
      long.) to Rodgers
      Point (57_ 35' N.
      lat., 135_ 33' W.
      long.), including
      Yakobi and other
      adjacent islands;
      Baranof Island
      south and west of
      a line that
      follows the crest
      of the
    island from Nismeni
    Point (57_ 34' N.
    lat., 135_ 25' W.
    long.) to the
    entrance of Gut Bay
    (56_ 44' N. lat.,
    134_ 38' W. long.),
    including the
    drainages into Gut
    Bay and including
    Kruzof and other
    adjacent islands
      1 bear every 4      Sept. 15 - Dec. 31
    regulatory years      Mar. 15 - May 31
    by registration
    permit only
      1 bear every 4                            Sept. 15 - Dec. 31
    regulatory years by
    registration permit
    only                                        Mar. 15 - May 31
      1 bear every 4
      regulatory                                Sept. 15 - Dec. 31
    years by drawing
    permit only, up to
    10 permits may be
    issued in
    combination with
    Unit 4, that
    portion within the
    Northeast Chichagof
    Controlled Use Area
    and the Remainder
    of Unit 4 during
    Sept. 15 - Dec. 31;
      1 bear every 4
      regulatory                                Mar. 15 - May 31
    years by drawing
    permit only, up to
    10 permits may be
    issued in
    combination with
    Unit 4, that
    portion within the
    Northeast Chichagof
    Controlled Use Area
    and the Remainder
    of Unit 4 during
    Mar. 15 - May 20
      Unit 4, that
      portion within
      the Northeast
      Controlled Use
      1 bear every 4      Sept. 15 - Dec. 31
    regulatory years      Mar. 15 - May 20
    by registration
    permit only
      1 bear every 4                            Sept. 15 - Dec. 31
    regulatory years                            Mar. 15 - May 20
    by registration
    permit only
      1 bear every 4
      regulatory                                Sept. 15 - Dec. 31
    years by drawing
    permit only, up to
    10 permits may be
    issued in
    combination with
    Unit 4, Chichagof
    Island south and
    west of a line that
    follows the crest
    of the island from
    Rock Point (58_ N.
    lat., 136_ 21' W.
    long.) to Rodgers
    Point (57_ 35' N.
    lat., 135_ 33' W.
    long.), including
    Yakobi  and other
    adjacent islands;
    Baranof Island
    south and west of a
    line that follows
    the crest of the
    island from Nismeni
    Point (57_ 34' N.
    lat., 135_ 25' W.
    long.) to the
    entrance of Gut Bay
    (56_ 44' N. lat.,
    134_ 38' W. long.),
     including the
    drainages into Gut
    Bay and including
    Kruzof and other
    adjacent islands,
    and the Remainder
    of Unit 4  during
    Sept. 15 - Dec. 31;
      1 bear every 4
      regulatory  years
      by drawing permit
        only, up to 10
      permits may  be
      issued in
      combination  with
      Unit 4, Chichagof
      Island  south and
      west of a line
      that   follows
      the crest of the
       island from Rock
      Point  (58_ N.
      lat., 136_ 21' W.
       long.) to
      Rodgers Point
      (57_ 35' N. lat.,
      135_ 33'   W.
      long.), including
      Yakobi  and other
      adjacent islands;
       Baranof Island
      south and west of
      a line that
      follows   the
      crest of the
      island from
      Nismeni Point
      (57_ 34' N. lat.,
      135_  25' W.
      long.) to the
      entrance of Gut
      Bay (56_ 44'  N.
      lat., 134_ 38' W.
      including the
      drainages into
      Gut Bay and
      including Kruzof
       and other
      adjacent islands,
       and the
      Remainder of Unit
      4 during Mar. 15
      - May 20                                  Mar. 15 - May 20
      Remainder of Unit
      1 bear every 4      Sept. 15 - Dec. 31
    regulatory years      Mar. 15 - May 20
    by registration
    permit only
      1 bear every 4                            Sept. 15 - Dec. 31
    regulatory years                            Mar. 15 - May 20
    by registration
    permit only
      1 bear every 4
      regulatory                                Sept. 15 - Dec. 31
    years by drawing
    only, up to 10
    permits may
    be issued in
    with Unit 4,
    Chichagof Island
    south and west of a
    line that
    follows the crest
    of the
    island from Rock
    (58_ N. lat., 136_
    21' W.
    long.) to Rodgers
    (57_ 35' N. lat.,
    135_ 33'
    W. long.),
    including Yakobi
    and other adjacent
    Baranof Island
    south and
    west of a line that
    the crest of the
    island from
    Nismeni Point (57_
    34' N. lat.,
    135_ 25' W. long.)
    to the
    entrance of Gut Bay
    (56_ 44'
    N. lat., 134_ 38'
    W. long.),
    including the
    drainages into
    Gut Bay and
    including Kruzof
    and other adjacent
    and Unit 4, that
    within the Northeast
    Controlled Use Area
    during Sept. 15 -
    Dec. 31; or
      1 bear every 4
      regulatory                                Mar. 15 - May 20
    years by drawing
    only, up to 10
    permits may
    be issued in
    with Unit 4,
    Chichagof Island
    south and west of a
    line that
    follows the crest
    of the
    island from Rock
    (58_ N. lat., 136_
    21' W.
    long.) to Rodgers
    (57_ 35' N. lat.,
    135_ 33'
    W. long.),
    including Yakobi
    and other adjacent
    islands; Baranof
    Island south and
    west of a line that
    follows the crest
    of the island from
    Nismeni Point (57_
    34' N. lat., 135_
    25' W. long.) to
    the entrance of Gut
    Bay (56_ 44' N.
    lat., 134_ 38' W.
    long.), including
    the drainages into
    Gut Bay and
    including Kruzof
    and other adjacent
    islands, and Unit
    4, that portion
    within the
    Northeast Chichagof
    Controlled Use Area
    during Mar. 15 -
    May 20
      Unit 5              Sept. 1 - May 31      Sept. 1 - May 31
      1 bear every 4
      regulatory years
      by registration
      permit only
      Units 6(A), 6(B),
      and 6(C)
      1 bear every        Sept. 1 - June 10     Sept. 1 - June 10
    regulatory year       (General hunt only)
      Unit 6(D),
      Montague Island     Oct. 15 - Dec. 31     Oct. 15 - Dec. 31
      1 bear every 4
      regulatory years
      by registration
      permit only         Apr. 1 - May 25       Apr. 1 - May 25
      Remainder of Unit
      6(D)                Oct. 15 - May 25      Oct. 15 - May 25
                          (General hunt only)
      1 bear every 4
      regulatory years
      Unit 7
      1 bear every        Sept. 1 - May 31      Sept. 1 - May 31
    regulatory year by    (General hunt only)
    registration permit
      Unit 8, that
      portion of          Oct. 25 - Nov. 30     Oct. 25 - Nov. 30
    Kodiak Island and
    adjacent islands,
    including all
    drainages into
    Chiniak, Anton
    Larsen, and
    northeast Ugak
    (east of Saltery
    Creek drainage) Bays  (General hunt only)   Apr. 1 - May 15
                          Apr. 1 - May 15
                          (General hunt only)
      1 bear every 4
      regulatory years
      by registration
      permit only
      Remainder of Unit
      8                   Apr. 1 - May 15       Apr. 1 - May 15
                          (General hunt only)   Oct. 25 - Nov. 30
                          Oct. 25 - Nov. 30
                          (General hunt only)
      1 bear every 4
      regulatory years
      by permit only,
      as provided in 5
      AAC 92.061
      Unit 9(A)           Oct. 1 - Oct. 21      Oct. 1 - Oct. 21
                          (Odd years only)      (Odd years only)
      1 bear every 4
      regulatory years    May 10 - May 31       May 10 - May 31
    by registration
    permit only           (Even years only)     (Even years only)
      Unit 9(B)
      1 bear every
      regulatory year
      by registration
      permit only         Sept. 1 - May 31
                          (Subsistence hunt
                          only)                 No open season.
      1 bear every 4
      regulatory years    Sept. 20 - Oct. 21    Sept. 20 - Oct. 21
    by registration
    permit only           (Odd years only)      (Odd years only)
                          May 10 - May 31       May 10 - May 31
                          (Even years only)     (Even years only)
      1 bear every
      regulatory year     July 1 - June 30      No open season.
    by registration
    permit only           (General hunt only)
    within 5 miles of
    the communities of
    Port Alsworth,
    Nondalton, Iliamna,
    Newhalen, Pile Bay,
    Pedro Bay, Pope
    Vanoy Landing,
    Kakhonak, Igiugig,
    and Levelock
      Unit 9(C)           Oct. 1 - Oct. 21      Oct. 1 - Oct. 21
                          (Odd years only)      (Odd years only)
      1 bear every 4
      regulatory years    May 10 - May 31       May 10 - May 31
    by registration
    permit only           (Even years only)     (Even years only)
      1 bear every
      regulatory year     July 1 - June 30      No open season.
    by registration
    permit only           (General hunt only)
    within 5 miles of
    the communities of
    King Salmon,
    Naknek, and South
      Unit 9(D)           Oct. 1 - Oct. 21      Oct. 1 - Oct. 21
                          (Odd years only)      (Odd years only)
      1 bear every 4
      regulatory years    May 10 - May 31       May 10 - May 31
    by registration
    permit only           (Even years only)     (Even years only)
      1 bear every
      regulatory year     July 1 - June 30      No open season.
    by registration
    permit only           (General hunt only)
    within 5 miles of
    the communities of
    Cold Bay, King
    Cove, Sand Point,
    and Nelson Lagoon
      Unit 9(E), that
      portion including
      all drainages
      into the Pacific
      Ocean between
      Cape Kumliun and
      the border of
      Units 9(E) and
      1 bear every
      regulatory year     Nov. 1 - Dec. 31      No open season.
    by registration
    permit only           (Subsistence hunt
      1 bear every 4
      regulatory years    Oct. 1 - Oct. 21      Oct. 1 - Oct. 21
    by registration
    permit only           (Odd years only)      (Odd years only)
                          May 10 - May 31       May 10 - May 31
                          (Even years only)     (Even years only)
      1 bear every
      regulatory year     July 1 - June 30      No open season.
    by registration
    permit only           (General hunt only)
    within 5 miles of
    the communities of
    Chignik Lake,
    Chignik Lagoon,
    Chignik Bay,
    Perryville, and
    Ivanof Bay
      Remainder of Unit
      9(E)                Oct. 1 - Oct. 21      Oct. 1 - Oct. 21
                          (Odd years only)      (Odd years only)
      1 bear every 4
      regulatory years    May 10 - May 31       May 10 - May 31
    by registration
    permit only           (Even years only)     (Even years only)
      1 bear every
      regulatory year     July 1 - June 30      No open season.
    by registration
    permit only           (General hunt only)
    within 5 miles of
    the communities of
    Egegik, Pilot
    Point, Ugashik,
    Port Heiden, and
    Port Moller
      Unit 10 (Unimak
      Island only)        Oct. 1 - Dec. 31      Oct. 1 - Dec. 31
                          (General hunt only)   May 10 - May 31
      1 bear every 4
      regulatory years    May 10 - May 31
    by drawing permit
    only; up to           (Even years only)
    50 permits may be
      1 bear every
      regulatory year     July 1 - June 30      No open season.
    by registration
    permit only           (General hunt only)
    within 3 miles of
    the community of
    False Pass
      Unit 11             Aug. 10 - June 15     Aug. 10 - June 15
                          (General hunt only)
      1 bear every
      regulatory year
      Unit 12             Aug. 10 - June 30     Aug. 10 - June 30
                          (General hunt only)
      1 bear every
      regulatory year
      Unit 13(E), that
      portion             Aug. 10 - June 15     Aug. 10 - June 15
    within Denali State
      1 bear every
      regulatory year
      Remainder of Unit
      13                  July 1 - June 30      July 1 - June 30
                          (General hunt only)
      1 bear every
      regulatory year
      Unit 14(A), and     Sept. 1 - May 31      Sept. 1 - May 31
    the remainder of
    Unit 14(C)
      1 bear every 4
      regulatory years    (General hunt only)
      Unit 14(B)          Aug. 10 - May 31      Aug. 10 - May 31
      1 bear every
      regulatory year
      Unit 14(C),
      Chugach State       Day after Labor Day
                          -                     Day after Labor Day -
    Park Management
    Area and              May 31                May 31
    and that portion of
    the Eagle             (General hunt only)
    River drainage
    above the Icicle
    Creek drainage
      1 bear every
      regulatory year,
      by drawing permit
      only; up to 15
      permits may be
      Unit 14(C), that
      portion of the      Day after Labor Day
                          -                     Day after Labor Day -
    Eklutna Lake
    Management            May 31                May 31
    Area within Chugach
    State                 (General hunt only)
      1 bear every
      regulatory year,
      by drawing permit
      only; by bow and
      arrow only; up to
      25 permits may be
      Unit 15
      1 bear every
      regulatory year     Sept. 1 - May 31      Sept. 1 - May 31
    by registration
    permit only           (General hunt only)
      Unit 16(A)          July 1 - June 30      July 1 - June 30
      1 bear every
      regulatory year
      Unit 16(B), that
      portion             Sept. 15 - May 31     Sept. 15 - May 31
    within a one-mile
    radius of the mouth
    of Wolverine Creek
    at 60.80_ N. lat.,
    152.31_ W. long.
      2 bears every
      regulatory year
      Remainder of Unit
      16(B)               July 1 - June 30      July 1 - June 30
      2 bears every
      regulatory year
      Unit 17
      2 bears every
      regulatory          Aug. 20 - May 31      No open season.
    year by
    registration permit
    only                  (Subsistence hunt
      2 bears every
      regulatory year     Aug. 20 - May 31      Aug. 20 - May 31
      Unit 18
      1 bear every
      regulatory          Sept. 1 - May 31      No open season.
    year by
    registration permit   (Subsistence hunt
      1 bear every
      regulatory year     Sept. 1 - May 31      Sept. 1 - May 31
      Unit 19(A), that
      downstream of and
      including the
      Aniak River
      2 bears every
      regulatory          Aug. 10 - June 30     No open season.
    year by
    registration permit   (Subsistence hunt
      2 bears every
      regulatory          Aug. 10 - June 30     Aug. 10 - June 30
      Remainder of Unit
      19(A)               Aug. 10 - June 30     Aug. 10 - June 30
      2 bears every
      regulatory year
      Unit 19(B) that
      downstream of and
      including the
      Aniak River
      1 bear every
      regulatory          Aug. 10 - June 30     No open season.
    year by
    registration permit   (Subsistence hunt
      1 bear every
      regulatory year     Sept. 1 - May 31      Sept. 1 - May 31
      Remainder of Unit
      1 bear every
      regulatory          Sept. 1 - May 31      Sept. 1 - May 31
      Unit 19(C)          Sept. 1 - May 31      Sept. 1 - May 31
                          (General hunt only)
      1 bear every
      Unit 19(D)          Aug. 10 - June 30     Aug. 10 - June 30
      2 bears every
      regulatory year
      Units 20(A) and
      Remainder of        Sept. 1 - May 31      Sept. 1 - May 31
    Unit 20B              (General hunt only)
      1 bear every
      regulatory year
      Unit 20(B), that
      portion of the
      drainage of the
      Middle Fork of
      the Chena River,
      and that portion
      of the Salcha
      River drainage
      upstream from and
      including Goose
      Creek, and
      Units 20(C),
      20(D), and 20(F)    Aug. 10 - June 30     Aug. 10 - June 30
                          (General hunt only)
      1 bear every
      regulatory year
      Unit 20(E)          Aug. 10 - June 30     Aug. 10 - June 30
                          (General hunt only)
      2 bears every
      regulatory year
      Unit 21, except
      21(D)               Aug. 10 - June 30     Aug. 10 - June 30
      1 bear every
      regulatory year
      Unit 21(D)
      1 bear every
      regulatory          Aug. 10 - June 30     No open season.
    year by
    registration permit   (Subsistence hunt
      1 bear every
      regulatory          Aug. 10 - June 30     Aug. 10 - June 30
      Unit 22(A), south
      of and including
      the Golsovia
      River drainage
    2 bears every
    regulatory            Aug. 1 - May 31
    year by registration  (Subsistence hunt
    permit only
      2 bears every
      regulatory year     Aug. 1 - May 31
    1 bear every
    regulatory                                  Aug. 1 - May 31
      Remainder of Unit
    2 bears every
    regulatory            Aug. 1 - June 15
    year by registration  (Subsistence hunt
    permit only
      2 bears every
      regulatory          Aug. 1 - June 15
    1 bear every
    regulatory                                  Aug. 1 - June 15
      Unit 22(B)
    1 bear every
    regulatory            Aug. 1 - May 31
    year by registration  (Subsistence hunt
    permit only
      1 bear every
      regulatory          Aug. 1 - May 31
    1 bear every
    regulatory                                  Aug. 1 - May 31
    year by drawing
    only; up to 27
    may be issued in
    combination with
      Unit 22(C)
    1 bear every
    regulatory            Aug. 1 - Oct. 31
    year by registration  May 1 - May 31
    permit                (Subsistence hunt
      1 bear every
      regulatory          Aug. 1 - Oct. 31
    year                  May 1 - May 31
    1 bear every
    regulatory                                  Aug. 1 - Oct. 31
    year by drawing
    permit                                      May 1 - May 31
    only; up to 27
    permits may be
    issued in
    combination with
    Unit 22(B)
      Remainder of Unit
    1 bear every
    regulatory            Aug. 1 - May 31
    year by registration  (Subsistence hunt
    permit only
      1 bear every
      regulatory          Aug. 1 - May 31
    1 bear every
    regulatory                                  Aug. 1 - May 31
    year by drawing
    only; up to 21
    may be issued
      Unit 23
    1 bear every
    regulatory year       Aug. 1 - May 31
    by registration
    permit                (Subsistence hunt
      1 bear every
      regulatory          Aug. 1 - May 31
    1 bear every
    regulatory                                  Sept. 1 - Oct. 31
    year by drawing
    permit                                      Apr. 15 - May 31
    only; up to 68
    may be issued; or
    1 bear every
    regulatory year                             Sept. 1 - Oct 31
    by registration
    permit only                                 Apr. 15 - May 31
      Unit 24
      1 bear every
      regulatory year     Aug. 10 - June 30     No open season.
    by registration
    permit                (Subsistence hunt
      1 bear every
      regulatory year     Aug. 10 - June 30     Aug. 10 - June 30
      Units 25(A) and
      25(B)               Aug. 10 - June 30     Aug. 10 - June 30
                          (General hunt only)
      1 bear every
      regulatory year
      Unit 25(C)          Sept. 1 - May 31      Sept. 1 - May 31
                          (General hunt only)
      1 bear every
      regulatory year
      Unit 25(D)
    2 bears every
    regulatory            July 1 - Nov. 30
    year                  Mar. 1 - June 30
    1 bear every
    regulatory year                             Sept. 1 - Nov. 30
                                                Mar. 1 - June 15
      Unit 26(A)
      1 bear every
      regulatory year     July 1 - June 30      No open season.
    by registration
    permit                (Subsistence hunt
      1 bear every
      regulatory year     July 1 - June 30      July 1 - June 30
      Unit 26(B)
    1 bear every
    regulatory year       Aug. 25 - May 31
    by registration
    permit only
    1 bear every
    regulatory year                             Aug. 25 - May 31
    by drawing permit
    only; up to 20
    permits may be
      Unit 26(C)          Aug. 10 - June 30     Aug. 10 - June 30
    1 bear every
    regulatory year
    	(b)  Repealed 6/16/91.  




AS 16.05.060 AS 16.05.255 AS 16.05.258 AS 16.05.330 AS 16.05.407
Eff. 8/20/89, Register 111; am 8/9/90, Register 115; am 12/27/90, Register 116; am 6/16/91, Register 118; am 9/18/91, Register 119; am 7/1/92, Register 122; add'l am 7/1/92, Register 122; am/readopt 5/13/93, Register 126; am 7/1/93, Register 126; am 7/1/94, Register 130; am 7/7/94, Register 131; am 8/25/94, Register 131; am 7/16/95, Register 135; am 8/4/95, Register 135; am 6/28/96, Register 138; am 7/1/96, Register 138; am 7/1/97, Register 142; am 7/26/97, Register 143; am 7/1/98, Register 146; add'l am 7/1/98, Register 146; am 7/1/99, Register 150; add'l am 7/1/99, Register 150; am 7/1/2000, Register 154; add'l am 7/1/2000, Register 154; am 7/1/2001, Register 158; add'l am 7/1/2001, Register 158; am 12/28/2001, Register 160; am 7/1/2002, Register 162; add'l am 7/1/2002, Register 162; am 5/1/2003, Register 166; am 7/1/2003, Register 166; add'l am 7/1/2003, Register 166; am 7/1/2004, Register 170; add'l am 7/1/2004, Register 170; am 7/1/2005, Register 174; add'l am 7/1/2005, Register 174; am 7/1/2006, Register 178; add'l am 7/1/2006, Register 178; am 7/1/2007, Register 182; am 7/1/2008, Register 186; add'l am 7/1/2008, Register 186; am 7/1/2009, Register 190; am 7/1/2010, Register 194; add'l am 7/1/2010, Register 194; em am 8/6/2010 - 12/3/2010, Register 195; am 2/4/2011, Register 197; am 7/1/2011, Register 198; am 7/1/2012, Register 202; 1st add'l am 7/1/2012, Register 202; 2nd add'l am 7/1/2012, Register 202; am 7/1/2013, Register 206; 1st add'l am 7/1/2013, Register 206; 2nd add'l am 7/1/2013, Register 206; am 7/1/2014, Register 210; am 7/1/2015, Register 214; add'l am 7/1/2015, Register 214; am 7/1/2016, Register 218