Section 5.85.035. Hunting seasons and bag limits for elk.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  In this section, the phrase "General hunt only" means that there is a general hunt for residents, but no subsistence hunt, during the relevant open season. Hunting seasons and bag limits for elk are as follows:  
                            Open Season 
                            (Subsistence and    Nonresident
    Units and Bag Limits    General Hunts)      Open Season 
      Unit 3, that
      portion bounded
      by a line
      beginning at the
      intersection of
      Stikine Strait
      and Clarence
      Strait, running
      following the
      midline of
      Clarence Strait,
      down to its
      with Ernest Sound,
      then northeast
      the midline of
      Ernest Sound,
      excluding Niblack
      to its
      intersection with
      Zimovia Strait,
      then northwest
      following the
      western shore-
      line of Zimovia
      Strait to its
      intersection with
      Passage, then
      west along the
      midline of
      Chichagof Passage
      to its
      intersection with
      Strait, then west
      and south
      along the midline
      of Stikine
      Strait, back to
      the point of
      1 bull by drawing
      permit only,        Sept. 1 - Sept. 30    Sept. 1 - Sept. 30
      and by bow and
      arrow only; up      (General hunt only)
      to 50 permits
      will be issued; or
      1 bull by drawing
      permit only;        Oct. 1 - Oct. 31      Oct. 1 - Oct. 31
      up to 250 permits
      will be issued; or  (General hunt only)
      1 bull by
      permit              Nov. 15 - Nov. 30     Nov. 15 - Nov. 30
      only                (General hunt only)
      Unit 3, Zarembo,
      Bushy, and          No open season.       No open season
      Shrubby Islands,
      and the
      Kashevarof Islands
      Units 1, 2, and
      remainder of Unit
      1 elk               Aug. 1 - Dec. 31      Aug. 1 - Dec. 31
      Unit 8, Raspberry
      Island              Oct. 1 - Oct. 22      Oct. 1 - Oct. 22
                          (General hunt only)
      1 bull elk by
      drawing permit
      only; up to 100
      permits will be
      1 antlerless elk    Oct. 23 - Nov. 30     Oct. 23 - Nov. 30
    by drawing permit
    only;                 (General hunt only)
    up to 200 permits
    will be issued
      Unit 8, Southwest
      Afognak, that
      portion of
      Afognak Island
      and adjacent
      islands south and
      west of a line
      from the head of
      Back Bay (58_
      05.3' N. lat.,
      152_ 45.7' W.
      long.) to
      Hatchery Peak
      (58_ 07.2' N.
      lat., 152_ 47.5'
      W. long.), to the
      head of Malina
      Bay (58_ 09.3' N.
      lat., 152_ 51.0'
      W. long.)
      1 elk by drawing
      permit              Sept. 25 - Oct. 22    Sept. 25 - Oct. 22
    only; up to 500       (General hunt only)
    permits will be
      1 elk by
      permit              Oct. 23 - Nov. 30     Oct. 23 - Nov. 30
    only                  (General hunt only)
      Unit 8, Eastern
      Afognak, that
      portion of
      Afognak Island
      east of the main
      logging road
      (1100 road) from
      the Danger Bay
      logging camp at
      58_ 08.2' N.
      lat., 152_ 32.9'
      W. long., north
      to its terminus
      at Discoverer Bay
      at 58_ 19.6' N.
      lat., 152_ 21.8'
      W. long., and
      adjacent islands
      west of Marmot
      1 elk by drawing
      permit              Sept. 25 - Oct. 22    Sept. 25 - Oct. 22
    only; up to 500       (General hunt only)
    permits may be
      1 elk by
      permit              Oct. 23 - Nov. 30     Oct. 23 - Nov. 30
    only                  (General hunt only)
      Remainder of Unit
      1 elk by drawing
      permit              Sept. 25 - Oct. 22    Sept. 25 - Oct. 22
    only; up to 500       (General hunt only)
    permits may be
      1 elk by
      permit              Oct. 23 - Nov. 30     Oct. 23 - Nov. 30
    only                  (General hunt only)
    	(b)  Repealed 6/16/91.  




AS 16.05.255 AS 16.05.258 Editor's note: Effective in Register 139 (October 1996), the regulations attorney corrected the hunt dates for the Resident Open Season in the Remainder of Unit 8 to reflect the Oct. 10 beginning date adopted by the Board of Game. The date was inadvertently deleted from the regulation after Register 126.
Eff. 8/20/89, Register 111; am 8/9/90, Register 115; am 12/27/90, Register 116; am 6/16/91, Register 118; am 7/1/93, Register 126; am 7/9/95, Register 135; am 7/1/97, Register 142; am 7/26/97, Register 143; am 7/1/99, Register 150; am 7/1/2001, Register 158; am 7/1/2003, Register 166; add'l am 7/1/2003, Register 166; am 7/1/2005, Register 174; am 7/1/2013, Register 206