Section 5.85.040. Hunting seasons and bag limits for goat.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  In this section, the phrase "General hunt only" means that there is a general hunt for residents, but no subsistence hunt, during the relevant open season. For those units or portions of units within non-subsistence areas established by the Joint Boards of Fisheries and Game (5 AAC 99.015), there is a general hunt only. Hunting seasons and bag limits for goats are as follows:  
                            Open Season
                            (Subsistence and    Nonresident
    Units and Bag Limits    General Hunts)      Open Season 
      Unit 1(A),
      Revillagigedo       Aug. 1 - Dec. 31      Aug. 1 - Dec. 31
    Island, except that
    port-                 (General hunt only)
    ion west of Carroll
    and Creek, west of
    divide between
    Creek and the South
    of Orchard Creek,
    of Orchard Creek,
    Lake, Shrimp Bay,
    Gedney Pass
      1 goat by
      permit only; the
      taking of nannies
      with kids is
      Unit 1(A),
      remainder of        Aug. 1 - Dec. 31      Aug. 1 - Dec. 31
    Revillagigedo Island
      1 goat by drawing
      permit only; up
      to 25 permits
      will be issued;
      the taking of
      nannies with kids
      is prohibited
      Unit 1(B), that
      portion             Aug. 1 - Dec. 31      Aug. 1 - Dec. 31
    north of Bradfield
    Canal                 (General hunt only)
    and the north fork
    of the
    Bradfield River
      1 goat by
      permit only; the
      taking of nannies
      with kids is
      Units 1(A) and
      1(B), that          No open season.       No open season.
    portion on the
    Cleveland Peninsula
    south of the divide
    between Yes Bay and
    Santa Anna Inlet
      Remainder of
      Units 1(A) and      Aug. 1 - Dec. 31      Aug. 1 - Dec. 31
    1(B)                  (General hunt only)
      1 goat by
      permit only; the
      taking of nannies
      with kids is
      Unit 1(C), that
      portion             Oct. 1 - Nov. 30      Oct. 1 - Nov. 30
    draining into Lynn
    and Stephens Passage
    between Antler
    River and
    Eagle Glacier and
      1 goat by
    permit only; the
    taking of nannies
    with kids is
      Unit 1(C), that
      portion             Sept. 1 - Nov. 30     Sept. 1 - Nov. 30
    including all
    of the Chilkat Range
    south of the south
    of the Endicott
      1 goat by
    permit only; the
    taking of nannies
    with kids is
      Unit 1(C), that
      portion             Oct. 1 - Nov. 30      Oct. 1 - Nov. 30
    bounded by the
    Montana Creek
    trail, McGinnis
    Creek to its
    headwaters, then
    due north to the
    edge of the south
    side of the
    Mendenhall Glacier,
    then north and west
    along the edge of
    the Mendenhall and
    Herbert Glaciers,
    then along; the
    southwest side of
    the Herbert Glacier
    and River back to
    the Montana Creek
      1 goat, by
      drawing permit
      only; up to 10
      permits may be
      issued; the
      taking of nannies
      with kids is
      Unit 1(C), that
      portion             No open season.       No open season.
    draining into
    Stephens Passage
    between Eagle
    Glacier and River
    and the mouth of
    Little Sheep Creek,
    but excluding that
    portion bounded by
    the Montana Creek
    trail, McGinnis
    Creek to its
    headwaters, then
    due north to the
    edge of the south
    side of the
    Mendenhall Glacier,
    then north and west
    along the edge of
    the Mendenhall and
    Herbert Glaciers,
    then along the
    southwest side of
    the Herbert Glacier
    and River back to
    the Montana Creek
      Unit 1(C), that
      mainland            Aug. 1 - Nov. 30      Aug. 1 - Nov. 30
    portion draining
    into                  (General hunt only)
    the south bank of
    Little Sheep Creek,
    Gastineau Channel
    south of Little
    Sheep Creek,
    Stephens Passage,
    and Taku Inlet
    between the mouth
    of Little Sheep
    Creek and Taku
    Glacier, including
    that portion
    between the south
    side of Blackerby
    Ridge and the north
    side of Salmon
    Creek Reservoir,
    above the 1,000
    foot contour and
    east to Observation
      1 goat by
      permit only, and
      by bow and arrow
      only; the taking
      of nannies with
      kids is prohibited
      Remainder of Unit
      1(C)                Aug. 1 - Nov. 30      Aug. 1 - Nov. 30
      1 goat by
    permit only; the
    taking of nannies
    with kids is
      Unit 1(D), that
      portion             Sept. 15 - Nov. 30    Sept. 15 - Nov. 30
    between Taiya Inlet
    and River and the
    White Pass and
    Yukon Railroad
      1 goat by
      permit only, and
      by bow and arrow
      only; the taking
      of nannies with
      kids is prohibited
      Unit 1(D), that
      portion             Sept. 15 - Nov. 15    Sept. 15 - Nov. 15
    north of the
    Saddle of Tukgahgo
    Mountain east of
    the Chilkat River,
    south of the
    Canadian Border and
    south and west of
    the Ferebee River
    and Glacier to
    Lutak Inlet,
    excluding that
    portion of
    Takshanuk Range
    north of the mouth
    of Goat Hollow due
    east to Assignation
      1 goat by
      permit only; the
      taking of nannies
      with kids is
      Unit 1(D), that
      portion             Sept. 15 - Nov. 15
    of Takshanuk Range
    extending from the
    northwest saddle of
    Tukgahgo Mountain
    to the city of
      1 goat every 4
      years by youth
      hunt only, by
      permit only; the
      taking of nannies
      with kids is
      Unit 1(D), that
      portion             Sept. 15 - Nov. 30    Sept. 15 - Nov. 30
    between the Ferebee
    River and Glacier
    and Taiya River and
    Inlet, and between
    the White Pass and
    Yukon Railroad and
    the Katzehin River
      1 goat by
      permit only; the
      taking of nannies
      with kids is
      Remainder of Unit
      1(D),               Aug. 1 - Dec. 31      Aug. 1 - Dec. 31
    and Units 4 and 5     (General hunt only)
      1 goat by
    permit only; the
    taking of nannies
    with kids is
      Units 6(C) and
      6(D)                Sept. 15 - Jan. 31    Sept. 15 - Jan. 31
      1 goat by
    permit only;
    however, if a nanny
    is taken, the
    hunter is
    prohibited from
    taking a goat in
    Unit 6 for 5
    regulatory years;
    the taking of
    nannies with kids
    is prohibited
      Remainder of Unit
      6                   Aug. 20 - Jan. 31     Aug. 20 - Jan. 31
      1 goat by
      permit only;
      however, if a
      nanny is taken,
      the hunter is
      prohibited from
      taking a goat in
      Unit 6 for 5
      regulatory years;
      the taking of
      nannies with kids
      is prohibited
      Unit 15(C), that
      portion beginning
      at the mouth of
      Jackalof Creek,
      along the shore
      of Kachemak Bay
      to the mouth of
      the Port Graham
      River, then
      southeasterly up
      the Port Graham
      approximately 6
      miles, then
      southerly up the
      south fork to the
      divide, then
      easterly across
      the divide to the
      main drainage
      that flows into
      Windy Bay, then
      down the creek to
      Windy Bay, then
      easterly along
      the shoreline to
      the mouth of
      Rocky River, then
      northerly up the
      Rocky River and
      Windy River to
      the divide
      separating Windy
      River from
      Jackalof Creek,
      then across that
      divide to
      Jackalof Creek,
      then down
      Jackalof Creek to
      the point of
      1 goat by
      registration        Aug. 10 - Oct. 15     No open season.
    permit only; the
    taking                Nov. 1 - Nov. 30
    of nannies with
    kids is prohibited
      Unit 15(C), that
      beginning; at the
      mouth of the Port
      Graham River,
      southeasterly up
      the Port Graham
      approximately 6
      miles, then
      southerly up the
      south fork to the
      divide, then
      easterly across
      the divide to the
      main drainage
      that flows into
      Windy Bay, then
      down the creek to
      Windy Bay, then
      along the
      southern shore of
      Windy Bay, then
      westerly along
      the shore of the
      Gulf of Alaska
      and around the
      tip of the Kenai
      Peninsula and
      easterly to the
      point of origin
      1 goat by
      registration        Aug. 10 - Oct. 15     Aug. 10 - Oct. 15
    permit only; the
    taking                Nov. 1 - Nov. 30      No open season.
    of nannies with
    kids is prohibited
      Unit 7 and
      Remainder           Aug. 10 - Oct. 15     Aug. 10 - Oct. 15
    of Unit 15            (General hunt only)   Nov. 1 - Nov. 30
                          Nov. 1 - Nov. 30
                          (General hunt only)
      1 goat by drawing
      permit only in
      the Aug. 10 -
      Oct. 15 season
      (up to 500
      permits will be
      issued), or 1
      goat by
      permit only in
      the Nov.
    1 - Nov. 30 season;
    however, if a nanny
    is taken in either
    season, the hunter
    is prohibited from
    taking a goat on
    the Kenai Peninsula
    for 5 regulatory
    years; the taking
    of nannies with
    kids is prohibited
      Unit 8, that
      portion of Kodiak
      Island south  and
      west of a line
      extending along
      the Spiridon
      River, following
      the North Fork of
      the Spiridon to
      its headwaters,
      then going
      following the
      spine of   the
      island over
      Koniag peak to
      the headwaters of
      the South Fork of
      Midway Creek,
      then  downstream
      on Midway Creek
      to Midway Bay
      2 goats by
      permit              Aug. 20 - Mar. 20     Aug. 20 - Mar. 20
    only; the taking of
    nannies               (General hunt only)
    with kids is
      Remainder of Unit
      1 goat by drawing
      permit              Aug. 20 - Oct. 25     Aug. 20 - Oct. 25
    only; up to 500
    permits               (General hunt only)
    may be issued; the
    taking of nannies
    with kids is
    prohibited; or
      1 goat by
      permit              Nov. 1 - Dec. 15      No open season.
    only; the taking of
    nannies               (General hunt only)
    with kids is
      Unit 11             Sept. 1 - Nov. 30     Sept. 1 - Nov. 30
                          (General hunt only)
      1 goat by
    permit only; the
    taking of nannies
    with kids is
      Unit 13(D), that
      portion south of
      the Tiekel River
      and east of a
      line beginning at
      the confluence of
      the Tiekel and
      Tsina rivers
      1 goat by
      registration        Sept. 1 - Nov. 30     Sept. 1 -  Nov. 30
    permit only; the
    taking                (General hunt only)
    of nannies with
    kids is prohibited
      Remainder of Unit
      13(D)               Aug. 10 - Nov. 30     Aug. 10 - Nov. 30
                          (General hunt only)
      1 goat by drawing
    only; up to 50
    will be issued; the
    of nannies with
    kids is prohibited
      Unit 12 and the
      remainder           No open season.       No open season.
    of Unit 13
      Unit 14(A)
      1 goat by drawing
      permit              Sept. 1 - Oct. 31     Sept. 1 - Oct. 31
    only; up to 50
    permits may be        (General hunt only)
    issued; the taking
    of nannies with
    kids is prohibited
      1 goat by
      permit              Oct. 1 - Oct. 31      Oct. 1 - Oct. 31
    only; the taking of
    nannies               (General hunt only)
    with kids is
      Unit 14(C), the
      drainages of
      Eagle River, Bird
      Creek, Glacier
      Creek, and the
      East Fork of the
      Eklutna River
      1 goat by drawing
      permit only;        Sept. 1 - Oct. 15     Sept. 1 - Oct. 15
    up to 150 permits
    may be is-            (General hunt only)
    sued; the taking of
    nannies with kids
    is prohibited;
      Remainder of Unit
      1 goat by
      permit              Aug. 16 - Nov. 30
    only; however,
    goats may be          (General hunt only)
    taken from Aug. 16
    through Aug. 31 by
    bow and arrow only;
    the taking of
    nannies with kids
    is prohibited
      1 goat by drawing
      permit                                    Aug. 16 - Aug. 31
    only, and by bow
    and arrow only; the
    taking of nannies
    with kids is
    prohibited; or
      1 goat by drawing
      permit                                    Sept. 1 - Oct. 15
    only; the taking of
    nannies with kids
    is prohibited
    	(b)  Repealed 6/16/91.  




AS 16.05.255 AS 16.05.258
Eff. 8/20/89, Register 111; am 8/9/90, Register 115; am 12/27/90, Register 116; am 6/16/91, Register 118; am 8/10/91, Register 119; am 5/13/93, Register 126; am 7/1/93, Register 126; am 8/25/94, Register 131; am 7/9/95, Register 135; am 7/16/95, Register 135; am 8/4/95, Register 135; am 7/1/97, Register 142; am 7/26/97, Register 143; am 7/1/99, Register 150; am 7/1/2001, Register 158; add'l am 7/1/2001, Register 158; am 7/1/2003, Register 166; add'l am 7/1/2003, Register 166; am 7/1/2005, Register 174; add'l am 7/1/2005, Register 174; am 7/1/2007, Register 182; add'l am 7/1/2007, Register 182; am 12/1/2007, Register 184; am 7/1/2009, Register 190; add'l am 7/1/2009, Register 190; am 1/1/2010, Register 192; am 7/1/2011, Register 198; 1st add'l am 7/1/2011, Register 198; 2nd add'l am 7/1/2011, Register 198; am 11/25/2011, Register 200; am 12/22/2011, Register 200; am 7/1/2013, Register 206; am 7/1/2015, Register 214; 1st add'l am 7/1/2015, Register 214; 2nd add'l am 2/1/2015, Register 214; am 7/1/2016, Register 218