Section 5.85.060. Hunting seasons and bag limits for fur animals.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  In this section the phrase "General hunt only" means that there is a general hunt for residents, but no subsistence hunt during the relevant open season. Hunting seasons and bag limits for fur animals are as follows:  
                            Open Season
                            (Subsistence and    Nonresident
    Units and Bag Limits    General Hunts)      Open Season 
      (1) Coyote
      Units 1 - 5, 18,    Sept. 1 - Apr. 30     Sept. 1 - Apr. 30
    and 22                (General hunt only)
      2 coyotes
      Units 6, 7, 9 -
      17, 19, 20, 21,     July 1 - June 30      July 1 - June 30
    23, 24, 25, and 26
      No limit
      (2) Arctic fox
      (including white
      and blue phases)
      Unit 8              Sept.1 - Feb. 15      Sept. 1 - Feb. 15
      2 foxes
      Units 9, 17, 18,
      22, 23, and 26      Sept. 1 - Apr. 30     Sept. 1 - Apr. 30
                          (General hunt only)
      2 foxes
      Units 24 and 25     Sept. 1 - Mar. 15     Sept. 1 - Mar. 15
                          (General hunt only)
      2 foxes
      Unit 10             No closed season.     No closed season.
                          (General hunt only)
      No limit
      (3) Red fox
      (including cross,
      black, and silver
      Units 1 - 7 and 15  No open season.       No open season.
      Units 8 - 10, 14,
      16, and 17          Sept. 1 - Feb. 15     Sept. 1 - Feb. 15
                          (General hunt only)
      2 foxes
      Units 11 - 13 and
      18 - 26             Sept. 1 - Mar. 15     Sept. 1 - Mar. 15
                          (General hunt only)
      10 foxes;
      however, no more
      than 2 foxes may
      be taken before
      Oct. 1
      (4) Lynx
      Units 1 - 5, and
      10                  No open season.       No open season.
      Units 6, 7, 11,
      and 13 - 16         Nov. 10 - Feb. 28     Nov. 10 - Feb. 28
                          (General hunt only)
      2 lynx
      Units 9 and 17      Nov. 10 - Feb. 28     Nov. 10 - Feb. 28
                          (General hunt only)
      2 lynx
      Units 12 and 20(E)  Nov. 1 - Mar. 15      Nov. 1 - Mar. 15
                          (General hunt only)
      2 lynx
      Unit 18             Nov. 10 - Mar. 31     Nov. 10 - Mar. 31
                          (General hunt only)
      2 lynx
      Remainder of Unit
      20, and             Nov. 1 - Feb. 28      Nov. 1 - Feb. 28
    Unit 25(C)            (General hunt only)
      2 lynx
      Units 19, 21, 24,
      and                 Nov. 1 - Feb. 28      Nov. 1 - Feb. 28
    remainder of Unit 25  (General hunt only)
      2 lynx
      Units 22, 23, and
      26                  Nov. 1 - Apr. 15      Nov. 1 - Apr. 15
                          (General hunt only)
    2 lynx
      (5) Red squirrel,
      ground squirrel,
      flying squirrel
      Units 1 - 26        No closed season.     No closed season.
                          (General hunt only)
      No limit
      (6) Beaver
      Units 1 - 17        No open season.       No open season.
      Units 18 and 23     No closed season.     No closed season.
      No limit
      Units 21(A) and
      21(E)               Sept. 1 - June 10     Sept. 1 - June 10
      No limit
      Unit 22
    No limit              No closed season.     No closed season.
      Units 19 - 20,      No open season.       No open season.
    21(B), 21(C) 21(D),
    and 24 - 26
    	(b)  Repealed 6/16/91.  




AS 16.05.255 AS 16.05.258
Eff. 7/8/85, Register 95; am 8/20/89, Register 111; am 11/18/89, Register 112; am 8/9/90, Register 115; am 12/27/90, Register 116; am 6/16/91, Register 118; am 8/10/91, Register 119; am 7/1/92, Register 122; am 5/13/93, Register 126; am 7/26/97, Register 143; am 7/1/98, Register 146; am 7/1/2000, Register 154; add'l am 7/1/2000, Register 154; am 12/28/2001, Register 160; am 7/1/2002, Register 162; add'l am 7/1/2002, Register 162; am 7/1/2003, Register 166; am 7/1/2004, Register 170; add'l am 7/1/2004, Register 170; am 7/1/2006, Register 178; add'l am 7/1/2006, Register 178; am 7/1/2007, Register 182; am 7/1/2008, Register 186; am 7/1/2009, Register 190; am 7/1/2010, Register 194; am 7/1/2011, Register 198; add'l am 7/1/2011, Register 198; am 7/1/2012, Register 202; am 7/1/2013, Register 206; add'l am 7/1/2013, Register 206; am 7/1/2014, Register 210; add'l am 7/1/2014, Register 210; am 7/1/2015, Register 214