Section 5.92.012. Licenses and tags.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  No hunting or trapping license is required of a resident under the age of 16. An appropriate license and big game tag are required of nonresidents, regardless of age, for hunting and trapping. No person 16 years of age or older may take waterfowl unless that person has a current, validated, federal migratory bird hunting stamp or "duck stamp" in possession.  
    	(b)  Upon request from an employee of the department or a peace officer of the state, a person may not refuse to present for inspection any license, harvest ticket, permit, tag, or bowhunter certification card, any game, or any apparatus designed to be, and capable of being, used to take game.  
    	(c)  A resident may not take a brown bear, except as provided in 5 AAC 92.015, or a musk ox, without possessing a numbered, nontransferable, appropriate tag, issued to that person. The person taking game shall, prior to leaving the kill site, affix the locking tag to the portion of the animal required to be salvaged from the field, and the person shall keep the tag affixed until the animal is prepared for storage, consumed, or exported.  
    	(d)  In any hunt requiring that nonresidents be personally accompanied by a registered guide or resident second-degree-kindred relative while hunting, pursuing, or taking big game, if a nonresident hunter chooses to be accompanied by a resident second-degree-kindred relative, the resident second-degree-kindred relative must have in possession a valid big game hunting license issued in this state.  
    	(e)  In any hunt where a numbered, non-transferable locking tag is required, a person taking big game shall, prior to leaving the kill site, affix the locking tag to the portion of the animal required to be salvaged from the field and the person shall keep the tag affixed until the animal is prepared for storage, consumed, or exported.  




AS 16.05.255 AS 16.05.258 AS 16.05.340 Editor's note: At its November 9 - 11, 1992, January 19 - 28, 1993 meeting, the Board of Game readopted 5 AAC 92.012 in its entirety, without change, under ch. 1, SSSLA 1992 (the 1992 subsistence law), which repealed and reenacted AS 16.05.258.
Eff. 7/5/85, Register 95; am 8/20/89, Register 111; readopt 5/13/93, Register 126; am 7/1/2010, Register 194; am 7/1/2011, Register 198; am 7/1/2014, Register 210; am 7/1/2016, Register 218

