Section 5.92.035. Permit for temporary commercial use of live game.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  The department may issue a permit for the importation and possession of game for commercial purposes and for the export of that game. A permit issued under this section is subject to the following conditions:  
    		(1) no more than one permit may be issued to the same individual, to the same organization, or for the same animal during any 12-month period;  
    		(2) a permit may not be renewed or transferred, is valid for a maximum of 120 days, and may be extended only with the approval of the Board of Game;  
    		(3) a permit may be issued only for  
    			(A) a non-indigenous game species; or  
    			(B) an animal that originated outside the state and belongs to a species that is indigenous to this state;  
    		(4) the permittee shall ensure that each animal's owner, trainer, or permanent caretaker maintains personal custody and control over the animal while the animal is in Alaska;  
    		(5) the permittee must post a refundable surety deposit with the department in an amount determined by the commissioner; the minimum amount for a surety deposit is $500; the deposit is forfeited to the department if, for any reason, the animal has not been exported by the expiration date of the permit or any extension of the expiration date approved by the Board of Game; and  
    		(6) the department may impose additional conditions relating to application procedures, animal care and treatment, intrastate transport, medical testing, and reporting requirements.  
    	(b)  The department may not issue a permit under this section for an animal that originated in this state and belongs to a species that is indigenous to this state.  
    	(c)  In this section, "commercial purposes" means the use of imported game for a circus, for a traveling animal show, or for film production; "commercial purposes" does not include the display or exhibition of game for the primary purpose of drawing the public to a commercial business.  




AS 16.05.255 AS 16.05.270 AS 16.05.920
Eff. 7/9/95, Register 135; am 8/24/95, Register 135