Section 5.92.108. Identified big game prey populations and objectives.  

Latest version.
  • For purposes of implementing AS 16.05.255(e) - (g), the Board of Game has made the following findings on whether the listed big game prey populations, or portions of those populations, are identified as important for providing high levels of harvest for human consumptive use, and has established the following population and harvest objectives:  
    Population                 Finding             Population        Harvest
    GMU 1 (A)                  Positive                15,000            700
    GMU 1 (B)                  Negative
    GMU 1 (C)                  Positive                 6,200            450
    GMU 1 (D)                  Negative
    GMU 2                      Positive                71,000          2,700
    GMU 3                      Positive                15,000            900
    GMU 4                      Positive               125,000          7,800
    GMU 5                      Negative
    GMU 6                      Positive       24,000 - 28,000  2,200 - 3,000
    GMU 8                      Positive       70,000 - 75,000  8,000 - 8,500
    Caribou Herds 
    Adak                       Negative
    Beaver Mountain            Negative
    Central Arctic             Positive       28,000 - 32,000  1,400 - 1,600
    Chisana                    Negative
    Delta                      Positive         5,000 - 7,000      300 - 700
    Denali                     Negative
    Farewell/Big River         Negative
    Fortymile                  Positive      50,000 - 100,000 1,000 - 15,000
    Galena Mountain            Negative
    Kenai Lowlands             Negative
    Kenai Mountains            Negative
    Killey River,
    Fox River, and
    Twin Lakes                 Negative
    Macomb                     Positive             600 - 800        30 - 50
    Mentasta                   Negative
    Mulchatna                  Positive       30,000 - 80,000  2,400 - 8,000
    Nelchina                   Positive       35,000 - 40,000  3,000 - 6,000
    Northern Alaska
    Peninsula                  Positive        6,000 - 15,000    600 - 1,500
    Nushagak Peninsula         Negative
    Porcupine                  Positive     100,000 - 150,000  1,500 - 2,000
    Rainy Pass                 Negative
    Ray Mountain               Negative
    Southern Alaska
    Peninsula                  Positive         1,500 - 4,000      150 - 200
    Sunshine Mountain          Negative
    Teshekpuk                  Positive       15,000 - 28,000    900 - 2,800
    Tonzona                    Negative
    Unimak Island
    Western Arctic             Positive      at least 200,00012,000 - 20,000
    White Mountain             Negative
    Wolf Mountain              Negative
    GMU 1(A)                   Negative
    GMU 1(B)-Stikine River     Negative
    GMU 1(B)-Thomas Bay        Negative
    GMU 1(C)-Berners Bay       Negative
    GMU 1(C)-Chilkat Range     Negative
    GMU 1(C)-Taku              Negative
    GMU 1(D)                   Negative
    GMU 3                      Negative
    GMU 5(A)-Nunatak Bench     Negative
    GMU 5(A)-Yakutat           Negative
    GMU 5(B)-Malaspina         Negative
    GMU 6(A)                   Negative
    GMU 6(B)                   Negative
    GMU 6(C)                   Negative
    GMU 7                      Negative
    GMU 9(A)                   Negative
    GMU 9(B)                   Positive         2,000 - 2,500      100 - 250
    GMU 9(C) and 9(E)          Positive         3,000 - 3,700      165 - 320
    GMU 9(D)                   Negative
    GMU 11                     Negative
    GMU 12                     Positive         4,000 - 6,000      250 - 450
    GMU 13(A)                  Positive         3,500 - 4,200      210 - 420
    GMU 13(B)                  Positive         5,300 - 6,300      310 - 620
    GMU 13(C)                  Positive         2,000 - 3,000      155 - 350
    GMU 13(D)                  Positive         1,200 - 1,900       75 - 190
    GMU 13(E)                  Positive         5,000 - 6,000      300 - 600
    GMU 14(A)                  Positive         6,000 - 6,500      360 - 750
    GMU 14(B)                  Positive         2,500 - 2,800      100 - 200
    GMU 14(C)                  Positive         1,500 - 1,800       90 - 270
    GMU 15(A)                  Positive         3,000 - 3,500      180 - 350
    GMU 15(B)                  Negative
    GMU 15(C)                  Positive         2,500 - 3,500      200 - 350
    GMU 16(A)                  Positive         3,500 - 4,000      190 - 360
    GMU 16(B) (mainland)       Positive         6,500 - 7,500      310 - 600
    GMU 16(B) (Kalgin Is.)     Negative
    GMU 17(A)                  Negative
    GMU 17(B)                  Positive         4,900 - 6,000      200 - 400
    GMU 17(C)                  Positive         2,800 - 3,500      165 - 350
    GMU 18                     Positive         1,000 - 2,000       60 - 200
    GMU 19(A) and 19(B)        Positive       13,500 - 16,500      750 - 950
    GMU 19(C)                  Negative
    GMU 19(D)-East             Positive         6,000 - 8,000      400 - 600
                                                3,000 - 3,500
    GMU 19(D)-remainder        Positive         4,000 - 6,000      250 - 600
    GMU 20(A)                  Positive       10,000 - 15,000      500 - 900
    GMU 20(B)                  Positive       12,000 - 15,000    600 - 1,500
    GMU 20(C)-outside Denali   Positive         3,000 - 4,000      150 - 400
    GMU 20(D)                  Positive        8,000 - 10,000      500 - 700
    GMU 20(E)                  Positive        8,000 - 10,000    500 - 1,000
    GMU 20(F)                  Negative
    GMU 21(A)                  Negative
    GMU 21(B)                  Positive         4,000 - 6,000      200 - 300
    GMU 21(C)                  Negative
    GMU 21(D)                  Positive        7,000 - 10,000    450 - 1,000
    GMU 21(E)                  Positive        9,000 - 11,000    550 - 1,100
    GMU 22                     Positive         5,100 - 6,800      300 - 680
    GMU 23                     Positive        3,500 -  9,200      210 - 920
    GMU 24(A)                  Positive         1,200 - 1,500       75 - 125
    GMU 24(B)                  Positive         4,000 - 4,500      150 - 250
    GMU 24(C)                  Positive         1,000 - 1,500       50 - 125
    GMU 24(D)                  Positive         5,000 - 6,000      225 - 425
    GMU 25(A)                  Negative
    GMU 25(B)                  Negative
    GMU 25(C)                  Negative
    GMU 25(D)                  Positive       10,000 - 15,000    600 - 1,500
    GMU 26(A)                  Negative
    GMU 26(B)                  Negative
    GMU 26(C)                  Negative




AS 16.05.255 AS 16.05.258 AS 16.05.270
Eff. 7/1/98, Register 146; am 7/1/99, Register 150; add'l am 7/1/99, Register 150; am 7/1/2000, Register 154; am 7/1/2001, Register 158; add'l am 7/1/2001, Register 158; am 8/22/2001, Register 159; am 7/1/2002, Register 162; add'l am 7/1/2002, Register 162; am 7/1/2004, Register 170; am 7/1/2006, Register 178; am 9/1/2006, Register 179; am 7/1/2009, Register 190; am 7/1/2010, Register 194; am 7/1/2012, Register 202; am 7/1/2013, Register 206; am 7/1/2016, Register 218