Section 5.93.030. Permit application procedures and fees for McNeil River State Game Sanctuary access permits.  

Latest version.
  • The department will issue permits for access to McNeil River State Game Sanctuary as provided in 5 AAC 92.065 as follows:  
    		(1) for the period June 7 - August 25, the department will issue to an individual a reserved, nontransferable regular or standby bear viewing permit (5 AAC 92.065(b)) under the following conditions:  
    			(A) each application for a regular or standby bear viewing permit must be accompanied by a nonrefundable $25 application fee for each name on the application; the application and fee must be received in the department's Anchorage office by March 1;  
    			(B) an application that is incomplete or illegible or is not accompanied by complete application fees, if required, is void;  
    			(C) not more than three individuals may apply as a group on one application for a bear viewing or standby permit; no individual may be named on more than one application, and multiple applications are all void;  
    			(D) the department will hold the lottery drawing on March 15 and will notify successful applicants by mail;  
    			(E) after being selected for a regular or standby bear viewing permit an individual must pay the use fee before the permit will be issued; the use fee for a regular bear viewing permit is $150 for a resident and $350 for a nonresident; the use fee for a standby permit is $75 for a resident and $175 for a nonresident;  
    			(F) a permittee may return a bear viewing or standby permit before May 15 for a refund of the use fee; the department will not refund any money for a returned permit received after May 15;  
    		(2) at any time during a year, the department will issue a permit for access to the sanctuary other than a permit described in (1), (3), or (4) of this section; a permit application must specify the location, time, and nature of activities to be conducted by the applicant in the sanctuary; the application fee for an access permit under this paragraph is $25; there is no use fee for this permit;  
    		(3) there is no application fee for an access permit under 5 AAC 92.065(c) for a guide, air taxi operator, or lodge owner; the use fee for this permit is $100;  
    		(4) for the period June 7 - August 25, the department will issue a scientific/educational permit under the following conditions:  
    			(A) each application for a scientific/educational permit must be accompanied by a nonrefundable $50 application fee for each name to be included on the scientific/educational permit; the application and fee must be received in the department's Anchorage office by December 1 of the previous year; up to four of the scientific/educational permits available each year may be designated as "commercial use/scientific/educational" permits for projects that  
    				(i) include filming, videography, or photography portraying the McNeil River State Game Sanctuary in a commercial product for sale;  
    				(ii) require special authorization or assistance from on-site personnel;  
    				(iii) produce products that will be used to create displays or public viewing opportunities requiring an entry fee;  
    				(iv) utilize sponsorship or fundraising through paid advertisements; or  
    				(v) create ancillary products for sale;  
    			(B) after being selected for a scientific/educational permit under this paragraph, each individual named on the permit must pay the use fee before the permit will be issued; the use fee for a scientific/educational permit is $150 for a resident and $350 for a nonresident.  





5 AAC 92.065
AS 16.05.020 AS 16.05.050 Editor's note: Before 8/20/89, Register 111, the substance of 5 AAC 93.030 was contained in former 5 AAC 83.241. The history note for 5 AAC 93.030 includes the history of the provision before 8/20/89.
Eff. 8/8/87, Register 103; am 8/20/89, Register 111; am 7/12/92, Register 123; am 4/1/93, Register 125; am 2/27/94, Register 129; am 2/6/2000, Register 153

