Section 5.93.350. General authorizations for use of salmon.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  Notwithstanding AS 16.05.831(a) and 5 AAC 93.310, and unless otherwise prohibited by law, under the authorization of this subsection a person may use salmon taken in a hatchery cost recovery fishery, or in a commercial, sport, personal use, or subsistence fishery for bait.  
    	(b)  Notwithstanding AS 16.05.831(a) and 5 AAC 93.310, and unless otherwise prohibited by law, under the authorization of this subsection a person may use salmon taken in a commercial fishery or hatchery cost recovery fishery for the production of fertilizer or fish meal.  
    	(c)  Notwithstanding AS 16.05.831(a) and 5 AAC 93.310, and unless otherwise prohibited by law, under the authorization of this subsection a person may use salmon taken in a hatchery cost recovery fishery, conducted in a special harvest area, for the production of fish oil.  
    	(d)  Notwithstanding AS 16.05.831(a) and 5 AAC 93.310, a person may dispose of the carcass of a salmon from which milt or eggs are extracted under a permit issued under AS 16.10.400 - 16.10.480 for lawful use as broodstock if the permit holder first documents milt or roe extraction and carcass disposal information, on a form provided by the department, and   
    		(1) removes eggs that are not used for fertilization from no more than 10 percent of the permit holder's female broodstock during milt and egg extraction; or   
    		(2) immediately notifies the department, in writing, of any extraction of eggs that will not be used for fertilization that exceed the limits established in (1) of this subsection, and immediately surrenders to the state all proceeds from the sale of eggs exceeding the limits established in (1) of this subsection.   
    	(e)  For the purposes of this section, "broodstock" has the meaning given in 5 AAC 40.990.  




AS 16.05.020 AS 16.05.831
Eff. 7/21/96, Register 139; am 8/18/2002, Register 163; am 7/16/2006, Register 179; am 9/30/2007, Register 183; am 8/15/2008, Register 187