Section 5.93.570. Suspension, revocation, and expiration of license vendor appointment.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  If a license vendor fails to perform duties and obligations under this chapter or under the license vendor's contract with the commissioner, the commissioner may give the vendor notice of the vendor's noncompliance and a demand for compliance. If the commissioner determines that the failure is reckless or willful, the commissioner may give notice of immediate suspension or revocation of the contract and the appointment. If the license vendor fails to remedy the noncompliance within the time frame specified in a notice and demand for compliance, the commissioner may revoke the vendor's contract and appointment. The commissioner may take any other action necessary to protect the state's interests and remedy noncompliance, including commencement of suit.  
    	(b)  The commissioner may suspend or revoke a license vendor appointment for any of the grounds listed in (a) of this section, including the following circumstances:  
    		(1) notice of bond cancellation is received by the department;  
    		(2) a discrepancy exists between the license vendor's records or returns required to be filed with the commissioner and the department's audit or examination of the license vendor's books and inventory;  
    		(3) the license vendor fails to collect fees or fails to pay to the department money due to the commissioner;  
    		(4) a renewal application is not timely filed;  
    		(5) the license vendor fails to meet any of the conditions specified in the contract or required by AS 16.05,  5 AAC 93.510 - 5 AAC 93.540;  
    		(6) the license vendor knowingly or willfully issues, or causes to be issued, a license to an individual who has attempted to take or has taken fish or game for which the license was not acquired by the individual before the hunting or fishing activity.  
    	(c)  If a license vendor appointment is revoked under this section, the license vendor may not apply for a new appointment for three years after the date of revocation. The date of suspension or revocation is the date specified in the notice of suspension or revocation.  
    	(d)  If the commissioner revokes a license vendor's authorization to issue licenses, or if the authorization expires at the end of a calendar year and the commissioner does not renew the contract or enter into a new contract with the license vendor, the license vendor shall  
    		(1) remit to the commissioner all money collected, except the amounts to which the license vendor is entitled to under 5 AAC 93.560;  
    		(2) return all licenses and license materials to the department; and  
    		(3) provide the commissioner with all required reports by the 15th day of the month following the month in which the license vendor appointment expires or revocation takes effect.  




AS 16.05.020 AS 16.05.050 AS 16.05.340 AS 16.05.380 AS 16.05.390 AS 16.05.460
Eff. 1/13/2012, Register 201