Article 6.25.1. General Administration.  

Section 6.25.010. Designation, identification, and training of poll watchers.
Section 6.25.020. Privileges and conduct of poll watchers.
Section 6.25.023. Assisting voter by election official.
Section 6.25.025. Registrars.
Section 6.25.027. Registration of voters.
Section 6.25.030. Election boards; Accu-Vote review boards and coordinators.
Section 6.25.032. Terms of election officials.
Section 6.25.033. Relationships between election officials and candidates.
Section 6.25.035. Payment of election officials.
Section 6.25.040. Elections security.
Section 6.25.045. Accu-Vote tests and security.
Section 6.25.050. Transportation and receipt of ballots.
Section 6.25.055. Disposition of ballots(Repealed).
Section 6.25.060. Processing of election expenses(Repealed).
Section 6.25.065. Questioned and absentee facsimile ballots.
Section 6.25.066. Uncounted ballots at Accu-Vote precincts.
Section 6.25.067. Facsimile ballots at recount.
Section 6.25.068. Hand count verification process.
Section 6.25.070. Write-in candidates; use of stickers.
Section 6.25.074. Filing of petition for independent candidates for United States President and limited political parties.
Section 6.25.075. Filing deadline for independent and no-party candidate(Expired).
Section 6.25.080. Voter history(Repealed).
Section 6.25.085. Counting of write-in votes in general election(Repealed).
Section 6.25.090. Identification required for absentee ballots by mail(Repealed).
Section 6.25.095. Counting of write-in votes in general election(Expired).
Section 6.25.100. Definition of physically disabled voter(Repealed).
Section 6.25.110. Administration of oaths(Repealed).
Section 6.25.120. Locations and dates of operation for absentee voting stations(Repealed).
Section 6.25.130. Waiver of filing fees.
Section 6.25.140. Recognized political party.
Section 6.25.145. Tracking political affiliation on voter registration and absentee ballot application forms.
Section 6.25.150. Definition of "political party"(Repealed).
Section 6.25.160. Required number of signatures for statewide office(Repealed).
Section 6.25.170. Required number of signatures for districtwide office(Repealed).
Section 6.25.180. Qualifications for limited political parties(Repealed).
Section 6.25.190. Absentee voting by mail(Repealed).
Section 6.25.200. Recounts.
Section 6.25.203. Hand-count verification of election results.
Section 6.25.205. Addition of lieutenant governor by nominating petition if no candidate nominated in a party primary.
Section 6.25.210. Removal of name from primary and general ballot.
Section 6.25.212. Amendment by a candidate of how the candidate's name appears on the ballot.
Section 6.25.215. Replacement for a withdrawn lieutenant governor candidate nominated by petition(Expired).
Section 6.25.220. Appointment of election officials.
Section 6.25.225. Replacement for a withdrawn lieutenant governor candidate nominated by petition.
Section 6.25.230. Preservation of election ballots.
Section 6.25.240. Initiative, referendum, and recall petitions.
Section 6.25.245. Distribution, circulation, and certification of referendum petitions(Repealed).
Section 6.25.250. By-mail elections(Repealed).
Section 6.25.255. Manner of withdrawing name from petition.
Section 6.25.260. Complaints regarding eligibility of a candidate.
Section 6.25.270. Conduct of certain special elections.
Section 6.25.280. Procedures prescribed by director(Repealed).
Section 6.25.290. Required number of signatures for no-party candidacy for district-wide office for the first general election following reapportionment.
Section 6.25.300. Selection of names of candidates for ballot placement.