Section 6.25.400. Purpose and applicability.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  The purpose of 6 AAC 25.400 - 6 AAC 25.490 is to provide a uniform, nondiscriminatory procedure to the resolution of any complaint alleging a violation of 42 U.S.C. 15481 - 15485 (title III of the Help America Vote Act of 2002), including a violation that has occurred, is occurring, or is about to occur.  
    	(b)  The procedures set out in 6 AAC 25.400 - 6 AAC 25.490 do not apply to an election recount under AS 15.20.430 - 15.20.530, or to an election contest under AS 15.20.540 - 15.20.560. A complainant who wishes to challenge the validity of a primary, general, or special election, or to determine the validity of a ballot or vote must seek relief as otherwise provided by law.  




AS 15.05.010
Eff. 8/29/2003, Register 167