Section 6.30.435. Motions and other filings.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  Unless otherwise ordered for good cause or required by this chapter, the rules for filing, service, and consideration of motions in civil proceedings in the courts of this state apply to proceedings under AS 18.80.  
    	(b)  The administrative law judge or hearing examiner shall promptly rule on motions filed in a case. A request to the hearing commissioners to review an order by an administrative law judge or hearing examiner that is not a final order may only be made upon a showing that the standards set out in the rules for petitions for review in civil proceedings in the courts of this state have been met.  
    	(c)  If the executive director or the respondent files a motion for a summary decision, the opposing party may request additional time to respond to the motion in order to have a reasonable opportunity for discovery. The administrative law judge or hearing examiner shall grant the request unless it is shown that a reasonable opportunity for discovery has already been provided or additional discovery will not lead to evidence that could support an opposition to the motion.  
    	(d)  The administrative law judge or hearing examiner shall permit prehearing briefs in all cases and allow post-hearing briefs only for good cause shown, or by stipulation of the parties.  
    	(e)  Unless otherwise ordered for good cause shown, the rules for computation and enlargement of time and additional time after service in civil proceedings in the courts of this state apply to proceedings under AS 18.80.  




AS 18.80.050 AS 18.80.060 AS 18.80.120
Eff. 7/3/96, Register 138; am 12/14/2007, Register 184