Section 6.40.050. Funding preference.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  In evaluating grant applications, funding preference will be given to applications in the following order:  
    		(1) applications that propose the delivery of aid, goods, or services that are essential to the maintenance of life, health, or safety; such aid, goods, or services include food, water, shelter, heat, emergency medical services, and police and fire protection;  
    		(2) applications that propose the delivery of aid, goods, or services that are beneficial but not essential to the maintenance of life, health, or safety; such aid, goods, or services include routine medical services, primary and secondary education services, and safe water-delivery and waste-disposal services;  
    		(3) applications that propose the delivery of aid, goods, or services that foster economic development; such aid, goods, or services include employment counseling, job training, and day care;  
    		(4) applications that propose the delivery of aid, goods, or services that enhance the quality of life; such aid, goods, or services include artistic grants, cultural exhibits, plays, and concerts.  
    	(b)  Within each preference category described in (a) of this section criteria for assigning priority to applications include  
    		(1) the impact of a federal budget reduction on an existing program and the recipients under the program, including the magnitude of the reduction, the number of persons affected, and the likely direct and indirect consequences of the reduction for the recipients;  
    		(2) the quality of the applicant's proposed solution to the problem presented by the federal budget reduction and the applicant's ability to deliver the aid, goods, or services;  
    		(3) the cost of delivering the aid, goods, or services;  
    		(4) the likelihood that a terminated program would be reestablished in fiscal year 1984, requiring large startup expenditures;  
    		(5) other factors which justify assigning priority to some programs and not to others.  



6 AAC 40.060
Ch. 125, SLA 1982
Eff. 8/16/82, Register 83