Article 6.50.1. Program Administration.

Section 6.50.005. Applicability of the ACMP consistency review process(Deleted).
Section 6.50.010. Purpose of regulations(Repealed).
Section 6.50.015. Transitional provisions(Expired).
Section 6.50.020. Federal consistency determinations(Repealed).
Section 6.50.025. Scope of project subject to consistency review(Deleted).
Section 6.50.030. State permit consistency determinations(Repealed).
Section 6.50.035. Division of Governmental Coordination (DGC) responsibility(Deleted).
Section 6.50.040. Preapplication assistance(Repealed).
Section 6.50.045. State agency authority(Deleted).
Section 6.50.050. Expedited review by categorical approval and general concurrence determinations(Repealed).
Section 6.50.055. Coastal resource district responsibility(Deleted).
Section 6.50.060. Scope of project to be reviewed(Repealed).
Section 6.50.070. Consistency review process(Repealed).
Section 6.50.075. Timing and process of elevation(Repealed).
Section 6.50.076. Timing of petition review(Repealed).
Section 6.50.080. Confidential information and fees(Repealed).
Section 6.50.090. Emergency expedited review(Repealed).
Section 6.50.100. Public participation(Repealed).
Section 6.50.110. Review period deadlines, extensions, suspensions and modifications(Repealed).
Section 6.50.120. Conclusive consistency determination(Repealed).
Section 6.50.130. Issuance of project permits(Repealed).
Section 6.50.190. Definitions(Repealed).
Section 6.50.200. Applicability(Deleted).
Section 6.50.210. Coastal project questionnaire(Deleted).
Section 6.50.215. Pre-review assistance(Deleted).
Section 6.50.220. Applicant consistency review packet(Deleted).
Section 6.50.225. Determination of completeness and notice to applicant(Deleted).
Section 6.50.230. Determination of the scope of the project subject to consistency review(Deleted).
Section 6.50.235. Timing of a consistency review(Deleted).
Section 6.50.240. Initiation of a consistency review(Deleted).
Section 6.50.245. Request for additional information(Deleted).
Section 6.50.250. Comment deadlines(Deleted).
Section 6.50.255. Review participant comments(Deleted).
Section 6.50.260. Proposed consistency determination(Deleted).
Section 6.50.265. Final consistency determination(Deleted).
Section 6.50.270. Time for issuance of a final consistency determination(Deleted).
Section 6.50.275. Resource agency authorization(Deleted).
Section 6.50.280. Consistency review schedule modification and termination(Deleted).
Section 6.50.305. Applicability(Deleted).
Section 6.50.310. Eligibility to petition on a proposed consistency determination(Repealed).
Section 6.50.315. Citizen of an affected coastal resource district(Repealed).
Section 6.50.316. Pre-review assistance for a federal agency(Deleted).
Section 6.50.320. Notice of petition on a proposed consistency determination(Repealed).
Section 6.50.325. Federal consistency determination(Deleted).
Section 6.50.330. Filing and distribution of petition on a proposed consistency determination(Repealed).
Section 6.50.335. Initiation of consistency review of a federal consistency determination(Deleted).
Section 6.50.340. Responses to petition on a proposed consistency determination(Repealed).
Section 6.50.345. Request for additional information for a federal consistency determination(Deleted).
Section 6.50.350. Council hearing of petition on a proposed consistency determination(Repealed).
Section 6.50.355. Comment deadline for a federal consistency determination, and review schedule modification or extension(Deleted).
Section 6.50.360. Petition on program implementation; process on the petition(Repealed).
Section 6.50.365. Review participant comments regarding a federal consistency determination(Deleted).
Section 6.50.370. General hearing procedures on petitions(Repealed).
Section 6.50.375. Proposed consistency response to a federal consistency determination(Deleted).
Section 6.50.380. Elevation and mediation of a proposed consistency response(Deleted).
Section 6.50.385. Final consistency response to a federal consistency determination(Deleted).
Section 6.50.390. Resource agency authorization(Deleted).
Section 6.50.395. Process for a federal negative determination(Deleted).
Section 6.50.405. Activities requiring a federal authorization subject to consistency review(Deleted).
Section 6.50.415. Pre-review assistance for an applicant for a federal authorization(Deleted).
Section 6.50.425. Consistency certification for a federal authorization(Deleted).
Section 6.50.435. Initiation of consistency review for a federal consistency certification(Deleted).
Section 6.50.445. Request for additional information for a federal consistency certification(Deleted).
Section 6.50.455. Comment deadline for a federal consistency certification, and review schedule modifications and extensions(Deleted).
Section 6.50.465. Review participant comments regarding a federal consistency certification(Deleted).
Section 6.50.475. Proposed consistency response to a federal consistency certification(Deleted).
Section 6.50.485. Final consistency response to a federal consistency certification(Deleted).
Section 6.50.490. Resource agency authorization(Deleted).
Section 6.50.495. Review process for OCS exploration, development, and production activities(Deleted).
Section 6.50.500. Public notice(Deleted).
Section 6.50.510. Public comments(Deleted).
Section 6.50.520. Public hearings(Deleted).
Section 6.50.600. Elevation process(Deleted).
Section 6.50.610. Petitions to the council(Deleted).
Section 6.50.620. General hearing procedures on petitions(Deleted).
Section 6.50.700. Use of general and nationwide permits, categorically consistent determinations, and general consistency determinations, in project consistency reviews(Deleted).
Section 6.50.710. Review process for categorically consistent determinations for activities that require a resource agency authorization(Deleted).
Section 6.50.720. Implementation of categorically consistent determinations for activities that require a resource agency authorization(Deleted).
Section 6.50.730. Review process for general consistency determinations for activities that require a resource agency authorization(Deleted).
Section 6.50.740. Implementation of general consistency determinations for activities that require a resource agency authorization(Deleted).
Section 6.50.750. Activities generally subject to individual consistency review(Deleted).
Section 6.50.760. Review process for resource agency general permits(Deleted).
Section 6.50.770. Review process for a federal general permit and nationwide permit(Deleted).
Section 6.50.780. General consistency determinations for federal activities(Deleted).
Section 6.50.800. Project modifications during a consistency review(Deleted).
Section 6.50.810. Project modifications after issuance of a final consistency determination.(Deleted).
Section 6.50.820. Authorization renewals, re-issuances, and expirations(Deleted).
Section 6.50.920. Emergency expedited review(Deleted).
Section 6.50.925. State response to a federal consistency determination or certification(Repealed).
Section 6.50.950. Computation of time(Deleted).
Section 6.50.990. Definitions(Deleted).