Section 6.65.030. Designation of ADA coordinators.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  The governor will appoint a state ADA coordinator to serve as the primary contact person regarding compliance with the ADA, including coordinating a response to a complaint against a state agency.  
    	(b)  The commissioner of each department of the executive branch of government shall designate a department ADA coordinator to implement the requirements of the ADA at the department level, and to conduct agency reviews of complaints in accordance with 6 AAC 65.070.  
    	(c)  The director of each division of a department with 50 or more employees shall designate a division ADA coordinator to implement the requirements of the ADA at the division level and to conduct initial agency reviews of complaints in accordance with 6 AAC 65.070. The director of a division with less than 50 employees may designate a division ADA coordinator.  
    	(d)  A department ADA coordinator is the ADA coordinator for a board or commission within the department, unless the state ADA coordinator, with the concurrence of the commissioner of the department, designates a different board or commission ADA coordinator.  
    	(e)  The state ADA coordinator shall give direction and guidance to the department and division ADA coordinators.  




Art. III, sec. 1, Ak. Const. Art. III, sec. 16, Ak. Const. Art. III, sec. 24, Ak. Const. AS 44.17.030 AS 44.17.060
Eff. 11/27/93, Register 128