Section 6.94.110. Grant application.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  To seek a grant under 6 AAC 94.100 - 6 AAC 94.180, an individual or family member must apply for a grant through toll-free telephone registration or by fax or mail on a form issued by the division.  
    	(b)  The division will not consider an application that is not received by March 31, 2000, or, in the case of assistance requested due to the 1999 Norton Sound fisheries failure, by October 16, 2000, unless the division determines that extenuating circumstances beyond the applicant's control prevented the applicant from timely submitting an application. If the division determines that extenuating circumstances exist, the division will extend to May 30, 2000, or, in the case of assistance requested due to the 1999 Norton Sound fisheries failure, November 30, 2000, the time within which the individual or family member may submit an application.  
    	(c)  The division will request further information from an applicant as the division determines necessary in order to determine the applicant's grant eligibility.  




AS 26.23.020 AS 26.23.040 AS 26.23.050 AS 26.23.220 AS 26.23.300
Eff. 2/18/99, Register 149; am 6/26/99, Register 150; am 3/16/2000, Register 154; am 9/11/2000, Register 156