Section 6.94.900. Definitions.

Latest version.
  • In this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires,  
    		(1) "acquisition or construction purposes" means the repair, replacement, or rebuilding of the insurable portions of a home, or the purchase or repair of insurable contents;  
    		(2) "assistance from other means" means monetary or in-kind contributions from other governmental programs, insurance, voluntary or charitable organizations, or any sources other than those of the individual or family; "assistance from other means" does not include expendable items;  
    		(3) "declared disaster area" means the disaster area as described in a disaster declaration;  
    		(4) "dependent" means  
    			(A) a person who is normally claimed as a dependent on the federal income tax return of another person, according to 26 U.S.C. 151-153 (Internal Revenue Code); or  
    			(B) the minor children of a couple not living together, if the children live in the affected residence with the parent who does not actually claim them on that parent's federal income tax return;  
    		(5) "designated special flood hazard area" means an area as designated by FEMA under 42 U.S.C. 4001 - 4129 (National Flood Insurance Act) and as defined in 44 C.F.R. 59.1;  
    		(6) "disaster" means an event as described in a disaster declaration;  
    		(7) "disaster declaration" means the governor's declaration of disaster emergency under AS 26.23.020;  
    		(8) "division" means the division of emergency services in the Department of Military and Veteran's Affairs;  
    		(9) "effective date of assistance" means the date the eligible applicant first received temporary housing assistance;  
    		(10) "essential living area" means that area of the residence essential to normal living; "essential living area"  
    			(A) includes a kitchen, one bathroom, a dining area, a living room, entrances and exits, and essential sleeping areas; and  
    			(B) does not include family rooms, guest rooms, garages, or other nonessential areas, unless hazards exist in these areas that impact the safety of the essential living area;  
    		(11) "expendable items" includes linens, clothes, and basic  household kitchenware; for purposes of this paragraph, "basic household kitchenware" means pots, pans, utensils, dinnerware, flatware, and small kitchen appliances;  
    		(12) "family" means a social unit living together and composed of  
    			(A) legally married individuals and their dependents;  
    			(B) individuals living together as if they were married and their dependents;  
    			(C) a single individual and that individual's dependents; or  
    			(D) individuals who jointly own a residence and occupy that residence with dependents;  
    		(13) "FEMA" means the Federal Emergency Management Agency;  
    		(14) "individual" means an individual who is not a member of a family;  
    		(15) "necessary expense" means the cost of a serious need;  
    		(16) "NFIP" means the National Flood Insurance Program established by 42 U.S.C. 4011 - 4084;  
    		(17) "owner-occupied" means occupied by  
    			(A) the legal owner;  
    			(B) a person who occupies the residence, pays the taxes and maintenance, and pays no rent; or  
    			(C) a person who has lifetime occupancy rights in the residence with formal title vested in another;  
    		(18) "primary residence" means a residence that is owner-occupied for more than six months in a calendar year, or into which the owner has recently moved for that purpose;  
    		(19) "SBA" means the federal Small Business Administration;  
    		(20) "serious need" means the requirement for an item or services in an eligible expense category under 6 AAC 94.130 or 6 AAC 94.240, as applicable, that is essential to an individual or family to prevent, mitigate, or overcome a disaster-related hardship, injury, or adverse condition; "serious need" does not include a financial obligation incurred before the disaster;  
    		(21) "working day" means a calendar day, except a Saturday, Sunday, or state holiday.  




AS 26.23.020 AS 26.23.040 AS 26.23.050 AS 26.23.090 AS 26.23.100 AS 26.23.220 AS 26.23.300
Eff. 2/11/2000, Register 153; am 7/1/2000, Register 154