Section 7.07.042. Public notice of receipt of application.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  When the department receives an application for a certificate of need under 7 AAC 07.040, the department will publish notice in at least one newspaper of general circulation in the state and on the Alaska Online Public Notice System established under AS 44.62.175. In the notice, the department will  
    		(1) describe the proposed activity, including the applicant's name and the proposed service area;  
    		(2) state that any person planning to submit an application for a similar activity in the same proposed service area must submit a  
    			(A) letter of intent that must be received by the department no later than 4:30 p.m. on a date set in the notice that is at least 25 days after the date of the publication of the notice, so that the department may prepare to conduct a concurrent review of all applications; the letter of intent must include  
    				(i) a clear, complete, and current description of the proposed activity, including a description of each component of the activity proposed to be undertaken;  
    				(ii) a certified estimate of the total cost of each proposed component of the activity listed in 7 AAC 07.010(a), as applicable, for the entire project; and  
    				(iii) an estimated starting date and completion date for the proposed activity; and  
    			(B) complete application for a certificate of need no later than 60 days after the department decides that the initial application for a similar service is complete;  
    		(3) include the department's mailing address, street address, electronic mail address, and facsimile number for purposes of submitting a letter of intent described in (2) of this subsection; and  
    		(4) state that after the department has conducted a review for completeness under 7 AAC 07.050, the department will publish notice of that decision that includes opportunity for public comment and notifies the public where a copy of each application may be reviewed.  
    	(b)   A person who desires to participate in a concurrent review for a certificate of need must submit an application to the department no later than 60 days after the department receives the letter of intent submitted under (a) of this section.  To submit a concurrent application for a certificate of need, a person must  
    		(1) submit all of the information required by the department's Certificate of Need Application Packet, adopted by reference in 7 AAC 07.040;  
    		(2) submit the application fee determined under 7 AAC 07.079; and  
    		(3) agree in writing to participate in the uniform statewide reporting system required under AS 18.07.101 when requested under 7 AAC 07.105(d).  




AS 18.07.031 AS 18.07.035 AS 18.07.101
Eff. 8/14/2005, Register 175; am 8/11/2010, Register 195