Section 7.07.067. Contact with department prohibited during application review.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  An applicant, any person acting on the applicant's behalf, any holder of a certificate of need, or any person opposed to or in favor of the proposed activity, may not contact the department, including the commissioner, regarding the substantive matters of an originating application or any competing application  
    		(1) after the close of public comment under 7 AAC 07.052; and  
    		(2) before the written decision of the commissioner is released under 7 AAC 07.070.  
    	(b)  Nothing in this section precludes the department from contacting the applicant or other persons or entities if necessary to obtain clarification, data, or expert information. Any contact under this subsection will be documented in the department's records related to the application and will be available for public review.  




AS 18.07.031 AS 18.07.101
Eff. 8/14/2005, Register 175; am 8/11/2010, Register 195